Chapter 11

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Chris's POV:

I sat in the library. It was early morning and class hadn't started yet. I need to figure out what I'm going to do with Thomas. I physically cannot ignore him. Plus I'm not even sure I want to. Part of me wants to repeat that kiss forever. Just allow him to care for me. That part the still contains dignity can't believe him! How can someone be so charming yet infuriating?

I have to admit this situation is my fault. I was the one that kissed him. I'm not even sure why I did it. I thought of my brother's comment 'I always thought you swung that way'.  I honestly just haven't ever thought of romance before. Not that nobody ever offered. With my soccer passion I ended up being a mysterious foreign jock. I had a quite a few girls interested in that. But everyone was so boring, so superficial, so the same, that I never had an interest. That was the thing about Thomas, he didn't care what others thought of him. Many thought he was strange, but when I mentioned it to him his only reaction was,

"Why would they care it doesn't effect them?" I laughed to my self. And he thought I was interesting. Wait no, interesting means cute. He thinks I'm cute. A rosy blush fills my cheeks. At times like this I'm really glad for my darker competition. That boy. I need to make a choice, and soon. It's unfair to leave him hanging. Then again does he ever care for me? And if he does why? I've never even given him the time of day. Maybe it's best if we just leave this alone. 

For the rest of the day we were in a weird place of limbo. Thomas and I neither ignored each other or were quite as talkative as normal. I went back to school unfocused. My mind kept wondering 'will he say something? Should I say something?' I didn't know what to say. A knudge in the shoulder shook me from my thoughts. It was Henry.

"Dude did you hear that?" I had never seen Henry so excited before.

"Sorry no I was... thinking."

"The school is having a talent show this Friday. Winner gets a $100s!" 

"Dude that's awesome too bad I don't have a talent. Are you going to do something?" Henry looked a little embarrassed.

"Well I play a little piano, maybe I can impress Nancy." I couldn't help but smile. Those two were very cute together. Before I could say anything to Henry, Thomas came running up interrupting class.

"Thomas what are you doing in my class?" The history teacher said looking surprised at the interruption.

"Sorry sir but this is very important. Hey Henry can I have a favor!" Thomas glanced at me nervously. "And um could we talk in private?"

"Thomas..." the teacher started but then stopped at the look Thomas gave him. "Make it quick, you are lucky you are a good student. Thomas beamed and looked at Henry.

"Alright. See you later Chris." He gave me a confused look leaving me in first period. What could that have been about? I snickered he never does anything expected does he? My mouth opened into a small smile. It always does when I think of him. 

Thomas was even stranger than usual the next couple of days. It was easy to see he was hiding something. He was not a very good actor. Every time he looked at me he would brake out in the goofiest grin. When I would ask what he was smiling about he would just chuckle. I even tried asking what was going on but he said he had no idea. I knew he knew something but it was no use trying to get him to talk. It was Thursday at lunch everybody was sitting around. Thomas was late to the table as usual.

"Hey Sam do you know if Thomas is going to sing tomorrow?" Nancy asked. I looked up from my show. I was now on stranger things.

"Thomas sings?" I asked confused.

"He has one of the best voices I've ever heard." Sam added mouth full of food. 

"Guys hush!" Henry whispered yelled at them. They immediately did as he said. Henry rarely told anyone to do anything. So people listened. My mind wondered I kept thinking of Thomas singing. I bet it really was wonderful. I hope I could hear it. 

The next everyone was crowded in the auditorium instead of classed. There were a bunch of acts. Many were good, some were funny, some were just god awful. There was a girl named Gwen, and she did the best point preference I have seen. The jocks did I high school musical sing along. A boy named John did stand up. There was even some Irish step dancing.

"Alright everyone let's put our hands together for our Irish step dancers!" Everyone clapped at the principal's words. "Well next we have a special duo preforming. Henry on the piano, and Thomas singing make you feel my love."

Thomas took the mike. "Hey so I would just like to say that it's been a long couple months, but I'm so glad I met you. You know who you met." Then he started singing and my heart jumped.

Song is at the top highly recommend listening to it. 

I felt myself tear up. This was for me. He really did love me. All of a sudden I had decided. I wanted to be with Thomas. All this time I was just avoiding the truth.  I turned to see Nancy looking love struck at Henry. Was I making that face too? Suddenly her and Sam turned to me with smiles. The knew. When the song was over I felt myself standing up. I needed to see him now. I practically ran through the audience. I heard teachers protest but I ignored it. I just went straight back stage. And there I saw him.

"Thomas," he turned and smiled at me. "That was for me wasn't." 

"Oh Chris everything was for you." He leaned in and kissed me.  Not like the one in the movie theater, but a real kiss. I sighed and kissed him back. This felt right. Then Thomas broke away.

"How was I?"

"Incredible. Now shut up and kiss me."

"But I thought that was an accident?" He smirked.

"Yes it was now make it happen again." And he did. I really did like this boy. In a world where everyone was so the same I had truly

Never met anyone like you.

Oh my golly I'm done! I'm so sorry it took me so long vacation was very busy! I hoped you liked the end. Don't worry it's not The End, The End. I will certainly write more about there dating lives if there is even one person asking. For now though I figured this was a good ending. I might start working on other works too. I will definitely put in some specials weather I continue with this story or not. 

Thanks so much for reading!

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