Chapter 6

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Thomas's POV:

He likes me! Well maybe not in that way.... but as a person yes. I was giddy as my brother drove me home. He didn't answer as usual... but he talked first that's progress. Sam sits next to me in English. Thinking back to our conversation makes my heart race.

"You're clear. You're Welcome."

"What do you mean?"

"He smiled, you passed."

I just nodded in response it was understood. He meant Chris. This of course only heightened my mood further. I came to school the next day with the biggest smile. At this point I realized I was gone, but I didn't even care anymore. Two days was enough for me to grow a crush on this guy.

However I was in for a surprise when I walked in Spanish Wednesday morning. Chris looked so upset. I smiled at him but it just seemed to worsen his mood. I tried passing him a note.

Are you okay? You won't look at me. - Thomas

No response. This continued on for the rest of the week. Instead of getting upset it just made me worry. What could have happened to make him so upset. Every time he saw me it looked as though he was about to cry. I rack my brain trying to figure out what I did. He still talks to Henry at least. Part of me is relieved he isn't shutting everyone out, the other is jealous beyond belief. Sam has been trying to help, but apparently Chris refuses to talk about me.I can't think straight it's starting to effect me outside school.

"Earth to Thomas." I heard my best friend from karate say. Her name is Meagan. She is pretty much my mom. We look like siblings too. She has my golden hair and blue eyes, similar face shape too. What makes us get along we is that we are both pasifist. Even though we we take karate it is only for fun. We have vowed to never hurt another.

"Uh Hey Meagan."

"Yeah Hey.... we are supposed to be sparring." She gave me a look. "What's up with you? You're normally not this spacey at karate."

"It's nothing let's just start."

"Alright but you are telling me during breaks." I sigh knowing I can't win. We begin sparring. Me and Meagan are evenly matched, but winner is usually me. Today Meagan won and she gave me a serious look. Lucky before I was in trouble from her, we heard the sound of our instructor clapping.

Looking over you saw Grace. She is about the cutest thing on earth. She had light skin and almond shaped brown eyes. With long jet black hair. Not even standing 5' tall she was one of the best here. She could really use other peoples weight against them. Her face was flushed from the attention. She was a very quiet girl. I smiled at Meagan who looked star struck. She has had a crush on her forever.

"Why don't you just talk to her?"

"I can't, she is too cool."

"She isn't the clicky type."

"I know but I'm scared." Just then I came up with an idea that would help my friend and keep her from prying about Chris. I didn't want to talk about him now. It was still to fresh I was going to get him to talk to me on Monday whatever it took. He can't just play with my heart like that. Make me all happy and crush it. The instructor called for brake. Before Meagan could catch me I called out for Grace.

"Hey Grace, Meagan wants to talk to you!" As Grace started walking towards us Meagan gave me a glare.

"What do I say!?" She whispered.

"You're welcome." I said as I pat her on the back. I left them alone. I am many things but not a snoop or gossip is not one. People's lives are there own.

*then again I telling you guys about my life.

My mind wonders back to Chris. All I want to do is pin him against a wall and make him tell me what's going on. Control yourself. That will scare him off more. I need to get him to talk to me. The last time he did that... I was sad. Times like this my years of lying pay off. Well not quite lying I really am worried. I should just add some fake tears. That's it! I have my plan try ignoring me now Chris. Your challenge has been accepted.

Thanks for reading again. I'm now ahead witch is pretty cool. I'm excited for tomorrow's part. I hope you liked it. Have any comments and I will be happy to answer.

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