Chapter 2

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 If you want  pictures to base the characters off of leave a comment and i will unload them.

Thomas POV:  

I did my usual walk to the lunch table with my best friends Nancy and Judy. It was only the first day I have no idea why Judy was already stressing about work. 

"She is totally crazy," I mumbled to Nancy. I looked over to lunch table I have been sitting in since 7th grade (our middle school uses the same cafe at a different period). Now that Dave had moved the seat next to me was free. But only it wasn't. A smirk spread across my face. It was the interesting boy.

"Hey Chris," he looked at me with a vacant scowl. I had never met anyone that took dislike to me before. He was so... incredibly  interesting.  I stared at him a bit before called back by Sam. 

"You know him? Apparently Henry met him in a class." Sam said lightly. 

"Yeah Chris is I'm my Spanish class" I looked over to see him enthralled in his phone again. I chuckled to myself. This guys dedication to TV was amazing. I slowly grabbed his water bottle from the table and hid it under my seat. He didn't even notice. Sam gave me a look and I held my finger up to my lips. Then I plugged in my headphones and played MCR music. Most would not think talking to me but I prefer to be alone. My headphones are as close as I can get. 

I was brought back to reality when I noticed Chris searching the table and his back pack. His head slowly turned towards me.

"What did you do?" 

"I plead  innocent."

"Well you're face says other wise" I reached down and grabbed the water bottle giving it to Chris.  I had gotten my fun out of it already. All I wanted was for him to talk to me. I'm not sure why. I just want to get to know him better. 

"I knew it." He huffed at me then continued on his phone.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" I looked over at the table in front of him it seemed vacant of food.

"I'll eat when I get home," 

"You can have some of mine." I said offering a granola bar. It's not healthy to skip meals. He turned and inspected the food. 

"Nah I'm fine."

"Well you should eat something," he looked me in the eyes and sighed seeing I would not let this go. I watched him walk into the lunch line. After a minute he came back with two rice crispy treats in his hands. 

"Happy?" He asked. I stifled a laugh. He had a sweet tooth. That is just way too cute. He looked at me again and I felt my heart skip a beat. 

"What?" He must have noticed my laugh. I considered telling the truth but then thought better of it.

"Nothing it's just that you are interesting." I smiled as I said it. Interesting was my new code for cute, not that I'm going to tell him. The bell rang. For the rest of the day I didn't see Chris, but I had one thought on my mind. This is going to be fun.

I'm sorry this chapter was so short, but I didn't want to bore you with Thomas's school day. Thanks for reading!

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