Chapter 3

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Chris' POV:

I flop down on my bed after a long school day.  What the hell is wrong with that guy? Why does ask so many questions? Why does he look at me like that? And when he does, why do I feel my stomach do a flip? 

"Argh!" I threw my backpack to the floor and put on the soccer game. I really do miss it. I looked down at my knees. 

"Damn," I threw my pillow on the floor. I stood up and went outside, taking my soccer ball. I was practicing in the back yard. I lived in a modest house with 3 bedrooms, a simple kitchen, living room, and one bath. It was good enough for me. I have lived in so many houses I learned not to bother with caring. About anything. It will all be gone soon anyway. I wonder how long I'll stay here? My mom never really settles down for real. 

Thomas's smile appeared in my mind. I only met him today but somehow I got the feeling he was always smiling like that.

"Must be nice..." 

"What's with that stupid look?" I jumped to see my brother looking at me out his bed room window. He was a year older with my same darker complexion, and deep brown eyes. Unlike me his hair was not a curly mess. Plus he was a tall 6' 1". Witch pretty much towered over me. At least he wasn't big. He was slim like me.

"What look" I called back to him.

"I don't know, you just had this smile on your face. It looked creepy." I blushed wondering if it had something to do with Thomas. No. He is just weird. I better avoid him. 

"Well whatever," my brother called "hey aren't you supposed to be resting that knee?" I could hear some concern in his voice.

"How am I supposed to play when I'm healed if I don't practice?" I was tired of everyone telling me to be careful, tired of being weak. 


"You don't get it! Soccer is my everything, I don't know what to do with myself when I can't play." I kicked the dirt in frustration.

"What about watch the walking dead?"

"Finished today in class." He gave me a look at these words. Another difference between me and my brother, while we both loved soccer, he took value in school. I did not. He shook his head as if deciding not to push the matter.

"Well how about you start watching Glee again?" I turned around to see if anyone heard. Lucky I was the only one on the street. I glared at him in his window blush up to my ears. 

"That is a secret!" I yell whispered at him. He just laughed and closed the window. He was right though. I loved the show. I watched it whenever I was feeling down. I walked inside to start, but was disrupted by a heavenly smell wafting from the kitchen. 

"Chris, Aden, Dinner." My mom called in her sing song voice. She had a bright smile and long dark curly hair. She was a lovely woman, and a great mother. That is when she is here. She had a tendency to drop us off at relitives while she traveled.

"Smells good." I said grabbing a huge spoonful of mash potatoes.

"Slow down there," my mom said smiling.

"Give him a break he probably hasn't eaten anything all day." Aden teased.

"Actually I had food at lunch today." I didn't meantion the fact it was sweets.

"How did that happen? You never eat lunch." My brother looked actually confused.

A small smile crosses my face as I think of how Thomas made me eat.

"There it is that look again!" Aden exclaimed. Oh god am I in trouble I thought. 

Thank you for reading! I hope you loved looking into Chris's family life. I'll update again tomorrow. Lots of love.

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