Chapter 7

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Chris's POV:

Honestly at this point I'm a combination of nervousness and guilty. I've been ignoring Thomas for almost a week now. He looks so concerned but I know it's nothing. He doesn't need me. As if the universe heard me a group of girls wondered down the hall way.

"Speaking of who is cute, Thomas is totally my type! Tall, smart, funny and nice, plus he is cute to boot."

"He is isn't a shame...."

I tuned them out I couldn't hear this anymore. I'll just head to my first period class. As much as I don't want to I have to admit my mood has worsened since I started avoiding him.

"Hey Chris!" I turn to see Thomas heading my way. Oh no. I start walking faster, but of course my knee goes out now. I fall to the ground.

"Chris are you Okay!" He looks completely panicked. Why? He is like this to everyone. I think to myself. "Come on I'll help you up, Nancy tell Our Band Director I'm at the nurse's"

"Of course." Nancy also seemed concerned witch seemed strange because I haven't talked to her much, but she is close to Henry. I gave her a smile to reassure her. She smiled back. Suddenly the hand helping me up was less delicate and tugged me forward. I crashed right into Thomas.

His smile returned but now it looked a little more.... soft. Our noses were practically touching. His arms still holding me up. His smell was somehow intoxicating. It was of mint leaves, fresh rain, and summer sun. I could feel myself relaxing. His eyes looked straight into mine. The stormy gray spheres were hypnotic.

"Wow you really are cu- interesting." His words broke my trance. I moved back.

"I'm feeling better I'll go to the nurse you should get to class."

"So it finally speaks," he leaned towards me on those words. My heart jumped again. "No can do, I need to make sure you don't fall again. Now do you know where the nurse is?" I nodded and we walked towards there. Silence. It was strange not having him talk. I looked over almost laughing. The look on his face was so serious. Like he was trying to solve world hunger.

"Don't do that to me again." He gave me a look that made me jump. His voice was hard, but he just looked heart broken.

"I can't control what my knee does."

"You know that's not what I mean." He was right I knew.

"What does it matter to you anyway. It's not like you don't get along with everyone. One more person isn't going to matter." He looked at me dumb founded. I blushed realizing that I had said my petty reason for avoiding him.

"Are you crazy! I have been telling you since the beginning that you you are interesting. Do you want me to tell you what interesting means?"

"Not really." I looked away. I have been giving him too many wins today. I'm not done fighting this.

"Interesting means cute. When I call you interesting I mean that you're cute." My heart melted normally I would not take that as a compliment but something about him saying made me blush. No stop he doesn't mean it like that. You heard those girls talking they like him.

"You should be saying that to girls not me."

"Chris I'm gay." He started walking away and I realized we reached the health office. 

I know this was a quick chapter but I just thought that was a good spot to end it. I'm on vacation now. I will still update everyday but they will probably be shorter. Thanks for reading again!

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