Chapter 9

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Chris's POV:

I sit on the edge of my bed. Half of me wanting to change into nice jeans and a collared shirt. The other half wanting to not leave at all. I had just taken a shower. I still had an hour until we were supposed to meet. 

"What is his problem anyway? I never asked for a date."I muttered under my breath. I should have not confronted him. He was happy avoiding me. That's the way I want it right? I just want to be left alone. And yet that drove me crazy. I was practicing begging him to notice me. I should just face the facts that I.... nope I won't even think it. I'm just interested in him. I've never met anyone like him before... because he is  so weird! Yeah that's it I'm not going. He can just sit there. Waiting for me all night. I know that's what he would do. He is just so ernest, and upfront. He will get that look on his face from when I yelled at him. But he will wait. Trying to hold the tears in.

I realized I had tears pooling in my eyes. He did it again. Played with my emotions. I guess I'll go it's not like it will hurt. Plus I'll get a free movie. I looked through my closet. Suddenly I felt as if my sweat pants weren't going enough. I put on a pair of jeans. I haven't felt something this close fit in a long time. I did look good though. I put on a simple dark purple shirt. I'd never admit it, but I picked it because I knew purple was Thomas's favorite color. I went to the bathroom. My hair was a mess. I tried to fix it up but it doesn't listen. 

"Huh it'll have to do." I looked at the clock ten minutes then I would have to leave or I'll be late. "Hey Aden?"

"Sup bro,"

"Could I borrow your cologne?" I would have just grabbed it but it was in his room. I saw him look me up and down. A smile slid across his face.

"My baby bro has got a date! So who is the lucky guy?" I was about to blow off his statement until I realized that he had said guy. My brother knew I had a guy for a date.

"Why'd you say guy?"

"Sorry, is she a girl? I've just kind always thought you leaned that way. Even though you almost never show any interest in that sort of thing."

"No he is a guy. In my grade, Thomas."

"Well he must be special if you are dressing up like that"

I thought about Thomas. His smile, the way he is always so bright. "He is alright." I say under my breath not wanting to say it out loud.

"That's the face!" I jumped at the sound of my brother yelling. "He is the one that has been making you all smiley! Come on I'll help you out." Aden was full of excitement, as he pulled me into his room. "This cologne makes you  irresistible to men and women alike. I usually sa e it for special occasions. And this is one." I took the bottle and smelt it. It was of musk and autumn morning. It would compliment Thomas's summer sun and spring rain sent perfectly. Damn what am I a candle store this is rediculous! I don't even like the guy. Still I put on the cologne. 

"Lastly" my brother said leaving the room. He came back with my soccer jacket. It had the poofy sleeves and an all black design. It was truly good looking.  I slipped on the jacket and headed out the door to my car with a spring in my step. 

When I got to the theater Thomas was already there.his face light up when he saw me. How can I cause such joy. I then stopped in my tracks. He had on black jeans that fit too well. A button down white shirt like the first day of school, but today the top three but were undone. A army green leather jacket, and his blonde hair was left messy. My jaw dropped he looked sexy. He must have noticed me checking him out because a saw him smirk at me.

"Well some dressed nice for our date" Thomas said in a sing song voice.  "You look very interesting" I was at first insulted until I remembered our secret code. Interesting =cute. A blush spread across my face. I looked up to see him eyeing my legs and butt. My blush grew darker, I partly wished for sweat pants. He leaned into my ear and whispered "sexy too. But I imagine you were thinking the same thing when you were checking me out earlier."

I was tomato red. Which is fairly hard for me to reach with my tan complexion. "L-let's just g-go to the m-movie." I stammered.  I saw something flash in Thomas's eye when he looked at my cheek. He shook his head to himself and straightened up.

"I already bought the tickets you want popcorn?" I nodded and he brought a medium to share. The movie was uneventful. Well no the movie itself was really good. Just Thomas didn't do anything he was really sucked in. Though during the kissing scene I noticed he gave me such a strong look that I wiggled in my seat. 

"That was good huh? Though I think that the acting of....." I turned Thomas out. He was talking about the logistics of filming I didn't really understand. All I could think about was his bright blue eyes and sparkling smile. Those lips that hold the smile. Light pink and soft. He hadn't made any romantic moves since the slight comment when I entered the theater. Was this really a date? I mean he said it was. It was almost over now and he hasn't even kissed me. Does he not want to. I looked back up at his lips.

"So Chris I'll see you at school Monday. Thanks for.." Thomas never finished at sentence, because out of either panic of our time running out or pure curiosity on what he would do I kissed him.

Dude what a long chapter! You deserve it. I'm sorry it took me so long to upload this. I tried last night but my changes weren't saving. Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading.

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