Chapter 8

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Thomas's POV:

Damn! Why did I say that. If he already thought I was creepy before... now he will run from me. Dude, I never even found out if he was gay first. He is going to realize I have a crush on him. I'll never be able to talk to him again! Worse what if he if homophobic and now is scared of me. I'm so dumb. I couldn't help it though. He was talking about me not actually thinking he was special. I don't think he realizes... well of course he doesn't. Only three people do. I would like to keep it that way.

I have decided to avoid Chris as much as I can. That way he has more time to think through everything. Plus if he has decided to hate me that way I can postpone the pain by not dealing with it.

Next day in school I realized how hard this was going to be. As I walked into Spanish my eyes are naturally drawn towards him. His is just too cute not to look at. And for the first time ever I see him staring at me. I jumped a little and looked away. Sitting as far him as I could when our desks are next to each other. I could feel his stare. This is not normal. Why isn't he ignoring me? Why is he not on his phone? The class started and I somehow stayed strong and didn't bother him. I just payed attention as I do in all classes. Even still, I noticed Chris never took out his phone. He just kept looking at me like he wanted something, but he never said anything so neither did I.

At lunch I tried a similar tactic. Just listening to music and not paying attention to him. He did take out his phone but every once in awhile I noticed he would give me his look. Sam tapped me on the shoulder.

"Dude what's up with you and Chris" he whispered to me while Chris was preoccupied with his show.

"I told him I was gay."

"What did he say?"

"I didn't give him an opportunity. I walked away after I told him."

"Are you dumb!? Is that why you are ignoring him?"

"I'm not ignoring him. If he talked to me I would respond. I'm just not starting the conversation."

"You two are helpless."

"I just can't face him okay! The thought of him hating me is too much."

"Fine do what you want but this won't last forever."

Sam was right on both fronts. I continued to not talk to Chris for the rest of the week. And he continued to give me his weird looks till Friday. It was almost the end of the school day. I had just finished math and while walking out I passed Chris, on his way in. He gave me an angry expression. I had to keep myself from smiling; he looked like a kitten. Grabbing my wrist he pulled me into an empty classroom.

"What are you doing we are going to miss class."He looked me in the eye, and lightly pushed me to the wall.

"What am I doing? What the hell are you doing?! Telling someone they might have a chance with you. Then suddenly stop talking, or flirting, or whatever the hell you were doing before. I thought you we going to ask me out on a date. Instead you avoid me like the plague."

"I was scared."

"So was I. These feelings are new to me, Thomas. I have traveled and met so many people in so many schools. I have been friends with jocks, geeks, and the dumb kids. But never in my life have I met anyone like you."

My heart jumped. I was a bright shade of red. "Was that a compliment? Or an insult?"

"It was neither."

"I'll take it as a comment then." A smirk appeared on my face. I leaned closer to Chris till our noses were an inch apart. "So what was this about you asking me on a date?"

"Um I no... I wasn't... that's not..." now he was bright pink. It truly was adorable.

"How about a movie tomorrow? There is a new marvel one out. I could pick you up?"

"No don't pick me up I'll meet you there."

"So it's a date." I couldn't contain my excitement. I was going on a date with him it's a dream come true!

Thanks for reading! Sorry this is a day late I had a migraine yesterday. Hope you enjoyed!

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