Chapter 4

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Thomas POV: 

My first period is band witch means school day always starts on a high note. Heh get it note.... never mind.  I grabbed my bass trombone and put it together. I loved playing in band it made me feel like I was a part of something. Plus with over a hundred people and winning awards, even though I'm from a small town, we are pretty good.

"Hi Charlie," he gives me a nod and shy smile of a response. Charlie plays trombone, sitting next to me. He just entered high school and is super shy. He has this sweetness about him. Totally cute, the thing is he is tall and built like a football player.  I sighed to myself. I not small, but I have more leen muscle from my years of karate.

After playing for an hour and our band director making bad jokes. The bell rang. I walked up too one of my best friends, Lizzie. She is in the grade above me with a curly red hair. 

"Ugh I don't want to leave band the rest of the day is such a drag." I grumble to her.

"Same. How about we hide in the band room closet?"

"But Lizzie I just got out of the closet!" I wined and we laughed on our way to second period.

*Oh I'm sorry not all of you got the joke. Let me interduce myself. My name is Thomas. If you wish to use my full name call me Thomas Hobbes (shout out to anyone who knows who that is). And I'm gay. I came out to my friends this past summer. It was quite funny. We were playing to truths and I lie. And I just slipped in as my truth that I was gay. My mother didn't believe me at first, but my family is cool with it. Also yes I know you are here just please don't tell Chris. I think he is too shy to know.😉

Second period, Spanish. I was excited. Not just because I love cultures and languages, and hope to be multilingual someday, but because Chris was here. I slid into the classroom to find him already at his desk. I smiled when I saw his Hogwarts t-shirt.

"I didn't know you like Harry Potter." I smirked and sat next to him.

"I can read you know." 

"I never said you couldn't. I just didn't think you also read it. It's one of my favorite book series. You just keep getting more interesting." He moved uncomfortably in his seat. I smiled. "So... what house are you in?"

"..." he gave me a neutral look.

"Well I'm a slitheren myself." Huh was it my imagination or did I see a small smile on his face? My heart jerked. Damn he should smile more often. "that's it isn't it! Your a slitheren. I should have known. It fits you well." 

"I never said anything." 

"Your face says it all." He looked down I couldn't tell if he was embarrassed or annoyed. Either way I'm not stopping now this is way too much fun! "Now that we are talking what's your favorite color?"

"First we are not talking you are. Second you ask to many questions. Third why do you even want to know?"

"I just want to get to know you better." I know I might be coming off strong but I can't help it. He is just too interesting.

"Well stop it's weird. I see no reason to answer your questions."

"It's blue." I looked for a change in the face this time it didn't change.

"What you can't just.."

"I have decided if you won't tell me your favorite color, then I will just pick one for you. I chose blue." I had to stifle a laugh he looked completely dumb founded.  I wasn't going to give up without a fight. I may be a pain but I'm your pain now. 

After a class of me engaging I class and Chris playing on his phone, I went to geometry. That class was too easy I wonder if it really was honors math because I could sleep and still get an A. I almost did. Nancy nudged me in class.

"What's with you and the new kid?" Of course nothing gets past her. To be fair se in in that Spanish class and I'm not being subtle. 

"I'm just being friendly." She raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Well don't scare him off Henry likes him." I must have had a pitiful look on my face because she added. "As a friend of course." I knew that. Henry and Nancy were so obviously flirting it has to be as a friend. But somehow just hearing Nancy say that made my stomach twist. A small part of me went he's mine

"I promise I'm not trying to scare him off."

"I know it's just sometimes your personality comes off a little strong. I love you. I just don't want you to fall too far. I don't want to repeat..."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. The whole Alex thing is over. I don't like Chris that much anyway. In just find him interesting." 


Sorry Nancy, I'm a lier.  

Well I guess overall it's not a long chapter but longer than usual. I just kept on writing. If you have any thoughts or questions please comment below. ¡Gracias por leer!

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