Chapter Eight

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Elsa's Point of View
"Where are we even going?" I asked Jack.

"Some place that's well lit and very popular," He informed me.

I really had no desire to go on this date, to be quite honest. Not only was it nerve-racking, but I had to pretend to like Jack; and, that was a challenge it itself. From the moment I "reunited", if that was even the correct work, with Jack at the airport, I knew this was going to be a horrible experience. Yes, he is letting me live in his apartment for who knows how long and he is paying me; but, is it really worth it?

Jack parked on the side of the street next to Starbucks.

"We're going to Starbucks?" I asked, confused.

"Just think about it," He turned off the car and pulled the key out. "Thousands of people come here everyday. Someone is bound to see us."

I exited the car and followed Jack into the coffee-chain. When we walked in, people's eyes immediately shot to us.

"Is that Jackson Frost?" A woman whispered to her friend.

"Who's that girl with him?" Another woman asked.

'You're on a date with a hot-shot billionaire,' I thought to myself. 'Make the most of it.'

"Hi, what can I get for you?" The barista asked.

"Venti Iced Skinny Hazelnut Macchiato, Sugar-Free Syrup, Extra Shot, Light Ice, No Whip," Jack ordered.

The barista's eyes widened, "How could I ever forget an order like that?" On his name tag, read the name 'Axel'.

Jack obviously recognized the man. "You work at two coffee shops?" Axel nodded.

"I'll have a hot chocolate," I ordered. Jack paid for the drinks and we sat down at a table in the center of the room.

The wood on the floor was chestnut colored, and the tables matched the floor perfectly. The place was well-lit, just like Jack had said. Maybe I'd come here on my own sometime, so I don't have to force myself to act happy. When our drinks were ready, Jack went up to get them and returned to the table.

"So," I started, taking a drink of my hot chocolate. "Where'd you go to school?"

"University of Pennsylvania," He replied. "Only the best business school in Pennsylvania."

"You majored in business?" I asked.

"Duh, how do you think I became so successful?" I chocked on my hot chocolate. "It's a rough job, not made for everyone."

This date was going horribly wrong. What choice did I have? I needed the money. Millions of questions ran through my mind as the date progressed. Jack continued to talk about himself as I continued to act flirty and adorable, someone the tabloids would fall in love with. I nervously played with the seem of my light blue dress. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a camera flash multiple times.

"They saw us," Jack whispered. I let out a big smile; I was acting, of course. Luckily, the camera flashed again and got my pearly white smile on camera. "Keep doing that."

Jack, himself, even smiled; however, he was acting as well. I caught a glimpse of Jack in this very moment. He could pretend to be happy but, all in all, it was always about him.

"Let's go." Jack and I got up from our chairs and exited the coffee shop. Paparazzi bombarded us with questions about how we met, how long we've been together, or anything of the sorts. I hopped into the passenger's seat while Jack got into the driver's seat.

"That was the worst date I have ever been on," I told Jack.

"Oh, you actually go on dates where men don't pay you?" He smirked. "You weren't much of a conversation piece yourself."

"You don't know one thing about me, do you?"

"I know you were a cheerleader--" I interrupted.

"No, about me. Current, twenty three year old me." Jack showed a blank expression. I sat there, waiting for a snappy comeback. But he had none.

One point for me.

A/N: Just to keep you all in the loop, I have band camp the rest of this week and the entirety of next week, so my updates may be a little slow for the next two weeks. I've been trying to keep my updates quite frequent because I know school and band is starting so I will be quite busy.

Anyways, now that the bad part of the update is over, let's talk about the story!

Are you enjoying it so far? Comment your reactions and theories! I absolutely love reading your comments!

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