Chapter Nine

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Jack's Point of View
Today was the day.

The day the trailer for Frost Film's new movie was released. Personally, I was really excited because it was bound to dominate the box office. It'll kick that new Marvel movie right off the number one slot!

Everyone gathered into the conference room and their eyes were glued to the television screen, their hopeful and excited eyes waiting for the trailer to appear. Hiccup, who was at the front of the room, was pushing some buttons on his computer, trying to find the trailer. When he finally found it, he turned off the lights and pressed play.

"What if, we were all born with words written on our arms?" The main character, played by Benjamin Dunlap, read. "Tattoos, some may called them."

Benjamin's character, who's name was Spencer, looked down at his arm. It showed the words 'You're my one and only.' 

"Only, the words have a meaning to them." Spencer walked over to the porcelain sink and threw cold water on his face. He looked at himself in the mirror and then down at his tattoo. "They're the last words your soulmate would ever say to you."

The video cut to Spencer sitting on the subway, one earbud in, not paying attention to the outside world. When the train came to a sudden stop, a beautiful blonde haired woman fell into him. She was dressed in a business casual outfit, obviously coming home from work.

"I'm so sorry." The girl, played by Alyssa Gnade, quickly stood up and dusted off her skirt. "I'm Katharine."

Spencer's eyes lit up. He stood up to shake Katharine's hand when the train started movie and Spencer fell onto his bottom. Katharine let out a giggle.

The scene cut to the two at dinner. Their first date. Both of them are wearing long sleeves, not wanting to show one another their tattoos.

The movie tells the story, of two lovers, who think that they're perfect for each other.


When the trailer was nearly finished, the title of the movie came onto the screen. 'The Last Words', it read.

The trailer finally ended and everyone started clapping in excitement.

I grinned and stood up from my chair. "This is going to be a hit."

Elsa's Point of View
"I need to get out of this apartment," I told myself.

I'm not used to not doing anything. Back home, I was always working, trying to make ends meet. The money that Jack paid me after our date last night, it only half a week's salary at the diner. And, the diner wasn't the most ideal job either. Customers would constantly yell at me for the littlest of things. I may have forgotten to give them a fork and, all of a sudden, they 'forget' to tip.

I stood up from the immensely comfortable couch and started up the stairs when Stanley stopped me.

"Is everything alright, Miss Arens?"

"Yes, I'm fine." I continued up the stairs and entered my room.

'I want to go for a run,' I thought to myself.

I got into my drawers and grabbed a solid pink tank top and light grey leggings. I threw the outfit on and headed back the stairs.

"I'll be back in a little bit, Stanley," I grabbed the key Jack gave me for the apartment and headed into the elevator.

I put my headphones in and turned out my workout playlist. The first song to play was 'In For The Kill' by La Roux. It was my workout jam! I started jogging down 6th Avenue. There were barely any people out today.

Probably because it was 3 pm on a Tuesday afternoon.

My feet slammed onto the ground as I continued jogging down the New York City street.

Suddenly, I was stopped by a man.

He was taller than me by quite a bit. The top of my head only reached his chin. His hair was black and he had the angriest expression on his face.

'Please to hurt me,' I thought.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you," I informed him, trying to walk back towards the apartment. The stranger grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"But I know you quite well," He replied. "Elsa."

"Let me go!" I shouted.

"I know your secret." He smirked, grabbing hold of my wrist even tighter.

I kept struggling to get free, but he had a firm grasp. "Get the hell away from me!"

"You wouldn't want Mr. Frost finding out your secret, will you?" He smirked and let go of my wrist. "He's your boyfriend, isn't he? We wanted that relationship to go downhill, for your sake."

My hands started shaking and they became sweaty, and it wasn't because of the running. "I— I don't have a secret."

"Elsa," He came closer and I backed up. "We both know what happened. Or, better yet, who you are."

"Get away from me!" I shouted, running back to apartment.

I ran as quickly as I could back into the apartment complex. Luckily, I wasn't too far. As I entered the elevator, I rapidly pressed the penthouse button, hoping it would make the elevator go faster.

The elevator door opened and I ran out, breathing heavily.

I saw Jack at the kitchen counter, carrying on a conversation with Stanley. Time felt as if it stopped once I entered the room.

"Miss Arens, is everything alright?" Stanley asked, giving me a concerned look.

"Yes," I answered. "I'm— I'm fine."

I sprinted up the stairs, trying to avoid as much conversation with the two men as I possible could.

"He can't know," I told myself, throwing my phone onto the bed. "He can't possibly—"

Three knocks were heard from my door.

"You alright?" Jack asked. He didn't seem as concerned as Stanley did.

I stormed to the mirror which overlooked the skyline. "Like you care,"

"You're right," He replied. "Stanley told me I should come up here."

I let out a sarcastic chuckle. "I figured, I'm just hired work."

"I mean, if that's what you want to call it."

"They're right about you." I turned to face the arrogant man. "You're cold, furious—" There's so many words I could use to describe this asshole of a billionaire. I walked over to the door and held the doorknob in my hand. "And unloveable."

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