Chapter Ten

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Elsa's Point of View
'Was I too hard on Jack?' I forced myself to get out of bed, since it was already 9 am. 'I don't care if I look like trash, I need to eat.'

I traveled down the stairs, wearing my blue pajama pants and grey tank top. Stanley had a hot cup of coffee waiting for me in the kitchen.

"You look like you just got hit by a bus." Jack chuckled.

"Good morning to you too." I sipped the coffee. It didn't have nearly enough sugar in it as I would like, but I didn't have the heart to tell Stanley.

Stanley handed the two of us a fresh plate of pancakes stopped with strawberries. Stanley is the best butler I've ever had.

Well, I've never had a butler before.

Jack stuffed his face with the pancakes while I cut mine with a knife. Jack was dressed in what I assumed was his work attire: a white button down shirt and navy blue dress pants.

"Did you read the article this morning?" Jack asked, his mouth full.

"Article?" I replied while taking a bite of my pancakes. Jack got out his iPhone and pulled up and article titled 'Jackson's New Mysterious Girl'.

I ripped the phone out of his hands and read the article.

'It seems as if Jackson Frost has got himself a new girl, and one that is actually interested in him, surprisingly. After an article, written by Kimberly Stanek, blew up, no one thought Jackson Frost would ever find a new girl!' I read. 'We don't know the identity of this new woman in his life, but we do know she is beautiful and has Jack wrapped around her finger.'

The article ended with a picture of us in Starbucks. We were laughing and looked like we were having an enjoyable time.

"It actually sounds and looks believable." Jack stuffed his face with pancakes again.

"We actually look really good together." I handed Jack back his phone and he chuckled.

"Yeah, right," Jack replied. "You couldn't land me in a million years."

"Like I would ever want to land you." I snapped back.

Jack got up and put his plate in the sink. "We're going to Coney Island tonight. If this appearance blows up, then I'll pay 250 for this date." I chocked on my pancakes.

"I won't let you down, Frost."


As we entered the amusement park, thousands of people stopped and starred. One girl even screamed.

"It's them!" Shouted a teenage girl who kept following us.

It was around 8 pm in the evening, the sun was just setting and massive amounts of people were arriving. The sky turned beautiful colors of pinks and orange that clashed with the bright lights of the carnival.

Jack and I got in line for the Ferris Wheel, which was fairly short, considering how many people were here.

"I can't ride that," I begged. "I'm scared of heights."

"You'll be okay, Elsa," Jack and I climbed into the cart and the carnival worker strapped us in. He explained the rules and sent us on our way.

Jack moved his arm around me. I don't know if he was trying to keep me from freaking out or add to the believable act that we were putting on. But, honestly, I kind of liked his arm around me. I'd never admit it though, it would go to his head. His touch made me feel so warm and cozy inside and I—

'Snap out of it, Elsa!' I thought.

As the Ferris Wheel moves higher and higher, I became more and more frightened. I held onto the lap bar as tightly as I could.

"Elsa, you're fine." Jack pulled me closer, trying to comfort me.

He's acting really weird. He's never been this nice to me! Not even on dates!

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, shutting my eyes.

Jack took a deep breath. "I realized last night, how rude I was to you and I want to change that. In order for this 'relationship' to work out, you need to not feel forced and unhappy."

I felt my cheeks get hotter and hotter as seconds passed.

"You're blushing," Jack said.

"No, I'm not." I felt my cheeks and they were burning hot. I playfully hit his chest. "Shut up."

As the Ferris Wheel traveled in circles, I tightened my grip on the lap bar and squeezed my eyes shut. The rides continued to spin until we finally got to a hault.

"Are we getting off?" I asked, not opening my eyes. Jack moved his arm from around me and I felt the lap bar disappear. When I opened my eyes,  the ride operator had a frustrated look on his face. I stood up and joined Jack, who was already off the ride. 

"Let's get out of here." Jack insisted. 

We weren't there for very long, just enough for people to spot us together, take pictures, or whatever. After a few minutes of walking, we finally got to Jack's car. We each hopped in and Jack reached into his wallet. He pulled out 250 dollars. 

"Thanks," I told Jack and he nodded contently. 

'Maybe he's not such a bad guy, after all,' I thought to myself. 

A/N: This chapter felt like it took FOREVER to write! Honestly, it's just a filler because the next chapter is kind of fun. I've been waiting to write chapter eleven since I started the book. (: 


The Billionaire's Hired Girlfriendजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें