Chapter Twenty

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Elsa's Point of View
"Hurry up with those tables!" Shouted the boss man.

I used all of my strength to carry four plates to a table of hooligan teenagers. Though they weren't the nicest, I continued to serve them with a smile. It was around 2:30, so the diner wasn't very busy. Luckily, my shift ended at 3. Thank goodness.

I didn't want to come back to the diner, trust me. But, I really didn't have too much of a choice. My feelings for Jack were only growing with each sighting or touch. I truly did see a future with him, if this wasn't for his plot to get Rapunzel back.

When the picture of Rapunzel was released to the public, everyone went crazy. My Twitter and Instagram started blowing up with private messages and comments with everyone asking how I felt or how I would get my 'revenge'. I didn't reply to any of them because I didn't know how I felt. I knew we weren't a real couple, obviously; but, it was hard not to fall for him when we did almost everything that a couple did. We even had sex once...

Or, more than once...

More than twice...

Quite a bit.

Even though it was in our best interest not to.

"Elsa!" The deep and loud voice that traveled from the kitchen yelled. "If you're going to day dream, go home!"

And I seized the opportunity.

I grabbed my purse and keys from back. My boss yelled at me some more; but, I couldn't care less at this point. As I untied my apron, I hopped into my car and started it. Luckily, I didn't live too far from the diner, so it was never a long ride.

I parallel parked my car outside of my apartment complex, turned off the car, and started climbing to the fifth floor of this crappy complex. The wooden steps creaked with every step as I became closer and closer to the fifth floor. I readied my key to unlock apartment 520. I turned the key and opened the door when two hands shoved me into the living area.

My knees gave out and I fell face first onto floor. I held my hand onto my bleeding nose when a familiar voice starts speaking.

"Hey, babe." The man helps me up; but, I cannot see his face since my apartment lights are not on. He pushes me onto the couch and flicks the lights on.

"Hans?" I ask, scooting to the opposite end of the sofa. "Wha-- wh-- how are--" I couldn't manage to get a full question out of my mouth.

"You're not still dating that guy?" He threw himself down on the sofa and kicked his feet on my glass table. I put my knees up against my chest in the fetal position as Hans moved closer to me. "You never loved him anyways, right? Not as much as you loved me?"

My voice became weak. Words could not escape my mouth no matter how hard I tried.

"Say something!" He screamed and stood up from the couch. Hans clenched his fists like he was ready to punch something--either me or my wall.

"Hans--" I slowly stood up and held my hands up. "I loved you once. Not anymore."

"You still do, I know it." He put his hands on my cheeks. I shook my head.

"No, I don't."

Hans started walking towards the door. "It's the acting thing. That's what broke us." He opened the door but gave me one last look. "You're fucking awful. Get a real job like the rest of us."

A tear escaped my eye and I walked to my bedroom. Millions of thoughts raced through my mind as I changed out of my nasty work uniform.

'How did he even know I was back in town? That was a dark time in my life that I don't want to return to.'

I walked into my bathroom and turned on the bath water. Steaming hot, as usual. A candle sat on the counter of the bathroom. I lit the candle and slid into the burning hot water once it was finished filling. My body became submerged in the water and my mind became blank.

No thoughts.

No worries.

No anxiety.

I was, for the first time in a while, relaxed.

Knock Knock

My body shook and water splashed out of the bathtub as I was frightened by the knocks on the door.

"One second!" I shouted. I dried myself off with a nearby towel and threw my lavender colored robe around my body. My feet tracked water as I walked towards the door.

I slowly opened the door. "Hans, go awa--"

I became speechless.


My body froze.


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