~Cotton Candy Miracle~

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(Y/N's) P.O.V.~
I didn't tell my boyfriend, I got suckered into working at the carnival. I wore a cute pink T-shirt with baby blue mini ripped jeans shorts, and pastel blue and pink converse high tops. I wore a matching cap and made my ponytail stick out off the back of the cap. I was in charge of the duck game for children. All of them were winners in my book. That's when I saw my boyfriend with another girl. I dialed my boyfriend's number and he answered. "Hey." He answered. "What? No pet names? Ah, I see you're cheating on me."I said, actually while I'm angry I decided to be amused with this. "Stop being so insecure." He replied. I decided to be creepy. "I see you with her so stop playing games. We're over."I said, hanging up and turning my phone off. A boy I never seen before came to take over my shift. "Hi, I'm Terry, I'm suppose to take over?" He said, rubbing his neck nervously. "Hi, I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you." I said, not that I didn't have a distraction, I choked up and a few tears slipped out. "Do you want to stay and help me?"He asked. "Yeah, if you don't mind.. I need the distraction." I replied, talking with him was easy. When, his shift was over and we closed up, he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the cotton candy vendor. He brought the last bag of cotton candy before they closed. A gentle rain began to fall and we ran to the shelter as it poured harder. We split the cotton candy, and I forgot all about my heart ache. "Thank you, I had fun hanging out with you."I said, smiling genuinely for the first time. He smiled back. "Well, can we consider this our first date?" He asked. "Yeah sure if you want too."I said, blushing. He gently cupped my face in his hands and our eyes met. "I want to. I also want to go out on more dates with you. I also really want to kiss you right now."He said, his eyes revealing his emotions. "I do too, and go for it. Don't ask permission I like stolen kisses the best."I admitted and he smiled. He pulled me closer and we shared a kiss in the rain, both of us tasting like cotton candy.

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