Chapter 1❋Rejects Like Me

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    I dipped my feet in the pool as I looked around the backyard. Who's idea was it to go to this stupid party, anyways. I played with my fingers nervously, a girl named Barbara went missing last year by a pool, too. I swallowed nervously. Deep in thought, K wondered how everyone would react if I did get taken away. I jumped as my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my jeans and was still shaking from the fright it had given me.

           Where r u? Richie texted me. By the pool. I replied trying to get my fingers to stop shaking. I looked for Richie who opened the screen door and was followed by Bev. He sat down next to me and pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit one. "You shouldn't smoke, you know." She said, looking concerned. "Why because it's bad for me." Richie said in a mocking tone.

       Bev grabbed it from his hand and stuck it in her mouth. "Because you have to be cool to smoke." "And because it's bad for you." I added. Bev blew smoke into my face mockingly. "Stoppit! 7,330 people die from secondhand smoking a year, you know!" I squealed. Bev blew another puff "Uh oh!" She grabbed my shoulders and pushed me into the pool "That's 7,331!" She started to laugh. I climbed out soaking wet.

       Richie was just about crying of laughter as I sat down. "Haha very funny." Dammit, Marsh. I heard the screen door screech open and close as another boy walked out. He was tall and skinny and had dirty blonde curls that reached his forehead, he blew a curl out of his eyes as he sat down holding his legs.

        Richie had his cigarette back by this point. He took it out "Is he ok?" He asked. "I dunno, what do I look like to you, a fortune teller?" I said sarcastically. Richie ruffled my hair "Calm down, Madame Spaghetti." Richie joked, standing up. "I'm gonna go check on him." Richie walked off. "Ooh somebody's got a crush!" Bev squealed loudly. "Hush, Marsh." Richie snapped from a few yards away, then kept walking. 


      "Hey you ok?" I asked as I sat down next to the boy. "Yeah I'm fine." He said sheepishly. "You don't seem like it." I replied. "It's just, social anxiety. I hate being around these many people. My boyfriend made me come." The boy said as he looked at me. "Sorry, is this giving you anxiety?" I asked, I'm pretty sure he didn't want to talk to new people. "No, it's just, when I'm with a bunch of people I get...flustered." He said running his hands through his curly locks. "What was your name again?" I asked scooting closer. "Stan. Stan Uris." He said putting out his hand for me to shake. "Richie Tozier." I looked at his hand. "Nah, we don't need to shake I'm not some kind of gentleman or something." I laughed.

       He laughed too. His laugh was so pretty and perfect, it made mine seem like a mere chuckle. He noticed my cigarette. "Can I have one?" He asked me. "Sure." I took one out and handed it to him. I gave him my lighter. He took a puff and coughed. "You've never smoked have you?" I laughed. "There's a first to everything." He smiled nervously "And a last." I took it from him and extinguished it, pressing it against the cold concrete. "Don't rot away like I am, Uris." I said. "You've got potential-" I looked at him and touched his Star of David necklace "Like I said, you're a good kid, Jew boy." I said standing up. "Don't bother yourself with rejects like me." I walked away and turned around a little. "Nice perm." I joked "It's not a-" He laughed a little.

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