Chapter 8❋Bathroom

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            "Tozierrrr....." Stan put his finger up as if trying to signal me to wait for him to continue. Stan was drunk. He had a few drinks after we danced...hell, a few is underestimating, he had a lot. I think it was his way to cope with the stress of all the people. I myself, hated getting drunk, it wasn't worth it. I didn't want to end up like my mom, who was wasted for over half of my life. 

         "Want a driiiink?" He slurred, trying to stand up. His lanky legs wobbled before he put a hand on my shoulder. "You know I don't, Stan." I replied seriously looking down at the grass. Me? Serious? Hard to believe. "I don't even think you should get one." I shook my head as I pulled him down back to the grass. "I'm not even that wasted..." He looked away shamefully. I turned his head towards me and tried to look at him...romantic. It didn't work out. A smiled cracked on my face and I chuckled. " are. Wanna go home?" I pulled one of his curls behind his ear. "I guess." He looked at me with his bourbon puppy dog eyes that I just can't stand saying no to.

       I grabbed my keys. "Let's go." I helped him up and walked him to my car. We drove home in silence besides Stan singing sloppily to the Michael Jackson songs that played from a tape Bev had given me in middle school. I turned onto my street. There's no easy way to put it. My house is a shit show. "Here?" Stan asked sleepily. "Here." I confirmed. I helped him out and walked him inside to the living room.

          I handed him a blanket and poured him a glass of water in the kitchen. I heard water always helps with alcohol. "Drink up, Staniel." I smiled at him. "Ok, Richinald." "What?" "It's a combination of Richie and Donald." "Oh...makes sense." I smiled, he was totally not himself. But, I kinda liked it.

         "Richie?" He asked after taking a big gulp of his water. "Yes?" I replied looking through the drawer for a movie, pulling out The Shining. "I...What did you pick?" "The Shining." I replied putting the disc in. "Oh, that's a good movie." "I know it is." I sat next to him after turning off the lights. The sound of the heavy music at the beginning filled the room. "Stephen King is a good author." Stan interrupted the frightening music. "Yeah..." I looked at him smiling. "Wouldn't it be cool to be in a Stephen King book?" Stan smiled at me with his perfect white teeth. "Yeah, wouldn't it? As long as there were no clowns, I hate em'." I looked back at the screen which now showed a sane Jack Torrance in an office.

       "Clowns and bugs...good to know." Stan smiled looking at the screen. About thirty minutes in I looked over and Stan was still awake. I felt like I needed to do something, to show him I cared about him a lot. What the hell was I thinking? The old yawn trick in all of those corny romance movies. I yawned and placed my arm around him. He looked at me surprised, then melted into the touch.

         He smiled at me and I smiled at him. I leaned in closer to close the gap between us. "Can I kiss you?" I asked stupidly. "Of course." I closed my eyes but I felt no lips in return but a hand. "Bathroom." He muttered through his fingers. I ran him to the bathroom where he...well...he puked. Thankfully, he made it to the toilet. Unfortunately, I hate vomit. I ran out instead of comforting him. He walked out a few minutes later wiping his mouth.

      "Bed." He said dazed. "Ok." I showed him to the guest bed and closed the door, regretting not kissing him. I walked to my bed and changed into my boxers. "Richie?" Stan called from across the hall. "Yes?" I replied, confused. "G'night." He hesitated. "Yeah, night."



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