Chapter 5❋Forget Me Not

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           I sat down on the ledge hesitantly than stood up "I don't know, Rich. It's kinda far down." "Come on, Stan...we did this when we were twelve." Richie tried to reason with me. "I hate this kind of stuff, though. Plus it looks shallow." I was still unsure. "If you want, we could go down together." He stepped next to me. I grabbed his hand and looked at him. "Ready 1...2...3." Before I knew it we were over the green water of the Quarry. I could feel the water sting my body like little piece of glass, then quickly bobbed to the surface, spitting out the water that had gotten into my mouth. 

         "Was it that bad?" Richie asked me "I mean...yeah?" I answered truthfully. He noticed I was dog paddling around "You know you could stand, right?" He laughed. I stretched out my legs and stood up, I could feel myself blushing from embarrassment. I got closer to Richie. "So what now?" "I dunno.". We sat there in silence for a while, awkwardly. "Hey Stan?" "Yeah?" "Do you like me?" He asked. What do you think, idiot, I've literally asked you out multiple times. "Um.." O hesitated, I didn't want to ruin our friendship. "I mean...I're kinda cute." I said "But to answer your question, I really really like you." I finally answered.

          "Good." Richie smiled almost immediately and pulled me in. "Wha-" and then I found myself kissing Richie Tozier. It was like a million fireworks had set off inside of me, causing my heart to beat out of control. I pulled away after a few seconds "Wow...that was awesome." I said. "Yeah, awesome." Richie hugged me. "I like you too, Uris.". "Happy Birthday by the way." crap, I had totally forgotten tomorrow was my birthday. "Thanks for the early birthday gift." I said. "That wasn't your gift, it was mine." Richie looked into my eyes and kissed my cheek. 

            His phone rung from the shore and he quickly got up to answer it. "Hello....oh sorry...yeah, ok...see you." Richie hung up. "Gotta go, Staniel. I have a birthday party to attend. But, forget me not, my dearest Stanneth." He said blowing a kiss to me. "I shall not, my lovely Richard." I called catching the kiss he blew and placing it against my chest. A few minutes later I got dressed and I drove home. 

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