Chapter 2❋I Seemed To Know Him

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         I hate parties. The sweaty people who try to touch you and kiss you without even asking your name. The people who are high out of their minds that sit on the couch staring at nothing. The people who throw up the alcohol they couldn't handle all over you. And then there were people like me, the ones who can't handle the crowd and sit outside crying. 

        I wasn't even a half an hour in when I started to get nervous. "Bill, can we leave?" I asked my boyfriend "Why we're having sooooo much fun." I could hear how drunk he was already. "I'm not." I told him crossing my arms. "Calm down...chilllll." He slurred all of his words. "I just don't like this party, ok? I just wanna go home." Tears rimmed my eyes. "Well youuuur'e not ruining my night, Stan. Go and be a sad sack somewhere elsee." He raised his finger to me. 

            I slapped his hand away from his face and walked to the nearest exit. I could feel a tear running down my cheek as I opened an unfamiliar screen door and sat on the cold concrete, hugging my legs. I breathed heavily as I began to cry more. No, you can't cry. You are 17! He's just drunk, he still loves you...I hope. I thought to myself as I looked at a group of three giggling teens, one of them stood out. There was a girl with fiery red hair and a graceful smile, a small boy who climbed out of the pool, angrily yelling at them, although his yelling was more like stealing. But, they didn't compare to the last one who I seemed to already know.

      He had curly black hair and coco brown eyes. His laugh was a perfect mix of amusement and charm. His grin was beautiful, I felt like I had seen him somewhere. He looked over at me and I blushed. He stood up and said something to the older boy and then something to the girl as he started walking towards me. Was he actually walking towards me or was he just going in to get a drink? He sat down next to me and took a cigarette out of his mouth. 

           I could feel the blush creeping up on my cheeks like a plague. "Hey you ok?" He asked. Was it that noticeable that I was crying all the way over there. How was I supposed to answer uh no, I'm not ok, my boyfriend is wasted and my day has been a complete and utter  disaster. "Yeah I'm fine." I lied to him, why did he even care in the first place. "You don't seem like it." He sounded a bit worried but was smiling at the same time as he furrowed his brow. "It's just, social anxiety. I hate being around these many people. My boyfriend made me come."  I answered looking up at him. "Sorry, is this giving you anxiety?" He asked as he stopped smiling. "No, it's just, when I'm with a bunch of people I get...flustered." I said running my hands through my sweaty hair. "What was your name again?" He asked scooting closer. "Stan. Stan Uris." I replied putting out my hand for him to shake. "Richie Tozier." He looked at his hand, almost confused. "Nah, we don't need to shake I'm not some kind of gentleman or something." He laughed. His laugh was perfect.

      I laughed too, feeling awkward. I  noticed the cigarette he was holding. "Can I have one?" I asked, I needed to calm down. "Sure." He took one out and handed it to me. He gave me a checkered lighter and grinned as I lit a cigarette. I took a puff and coughed, damn it.  "You've never smoked have you?" He laughed. I was so embarrassed  "There's a first to everything." I smiled nervously "And a last." He took it from me and extinguished it, pressing it against the rough concrete. "Don't rot away like I am, Uris." He said, shaking his head. "You've got potential-"He looked at me and touched my  Star of David necklace. He seemed so nice, though. "Like I said, you're a good kid, Jew boy." He said standing up, did he just say I was a good kid like I was his brother or something. There goes any chance with him.  "Don't bother yourself with rejects like me." He walked away and turned around a little. "Nice perm." He said "It's not a-" I realized it was a joke and laughed a little. I can't believe I just blew my only shot with Richie Tozier.

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