Chapter 41 - Behind The Scenes

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A week later, Anna drove me to the lawyer's office and waited in the lobby as I answered a full round of questions to build up my case against David. Though they had tried to serve him his papers, his mother said he was in Albuquerque during the week and was only in town during the weekends to be with Michael.

Erik had already been back to work full time three days earlier. Already busy with a full patient load, he also had to take over Serena's administrative obligations.

"You hungry?" Anna asked as she wove the car through rush hour traffic. 

"A little bit," I replied, remembering the sushi tray Doug ordered hours earlier and how I'd managed to eat one roll despite my anxiety at all the forms I had to sign. "Who's watching Michael?"

"Olivia. They're all having dinner at her house. By the way, Michael and I will be doing a sleep over there tonight. The in-laws have never seen Frozen and Olivia begged for me to keep her company before another viewing of the movie drives her crazy."

I chuckled as Anna continued. "Anyway, I thought we could have dinner together."

"Sure, but I really hate to be imposing on everybody," I said. "Is Erik-"

"Erik's fine," Anna said a little too quickly. "It's just dinner, Sam. You and me. And you're going to have to accept the fact that you're imposing on everyone right now because you don't have a choice. I mean that in the best possible way, by the way. So don't be offended. We all want you to get better, and we don't want you re-injuring your hand just to prove to us that you can do things without us."

"Because I can't," I said. "I can't even hook my bra."

"I know you can't," Anna said. "But the world will still go on whether or not you can hook your bra. I'm not going to argue with you, honey."

Dinner was a small hole in the wall restaurant in Lawndale, the next city west of Manhattan Beach. It was an Indian restaurant, and Anna took care of ordering from the menu. I listened to Anna more than I ate, as she told me about how her roommates in L.A. were dealing without her in the house and how Adina was keeping everyone in check. She also missed Adina, she added, who was going to make me a special batch of chechebsa when she'd drop by on Sunday.

I hear Erik's flying to New Mexico tomorrow," she said. "There's some business he has to do there, I think."

I frowned. "I didn't know anything about him flying out, and especially not in Albuquerque."
"Well, I just overheard him say something to Josh about last minute stuff, so it's not like he told me personally. Please don't tell him I told you," she said. "Doesn't David live in Albuquerque part time?"

"He does, but Erik hasn't said anything to me. He wasn't happy hearing David hasn't been served his papers, so I hope he's not taking matters into his hands."

"Not that he can serve those papers in a different state, or can he? Well, when that man of yours is determined, he is determined," Anna said. "But I don't blame him for not wanting David around you again. He did a number on you, Sam."

"I know, but things are getting better, so why worry?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. I'm afraid that David's not done with you yet. Those kind of men usually don't give up power so easily. They want to have the last word."

"He'll never be done with me, mom," I said. "We both have Michael, and until Michael turns eighteen, we'll have to share parenting duties together."

"I understand. Just be careful, okay?"

Just as Anna said, Erik said he was flying to Albuquerque in the morning for some last-minute business. He said it was something he and Josh had to take care of, and that he was also visiting a friend who had a harm reduction clinic in the South Valley. It was the same clinic he'd patterned his clinic after.

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