Guitar troubles

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Blixer has a guitar. He played it frequently and loved to rock out. He has always been touchy on who he let's hold 'his baby' as he puts it. So it couldn't be helped that pentagon and triangle wanted to play it while blixer was out.
"Do you think he'll notice?? He might walk in at any moment!" Pentagon asked nervously
"No he won't. He's with square and cube getting ice cream. We've got at least 30 minutes to rock out!" Triangle reassured them and flew up to the pink and black electric guitar on the wall. Blixer always prided himself in keeping his guitar clean, so it was shiny and had a glossy finish.
"Triangle this seems like a bad idea-"
"Pentagon shush! I wanna play!" Triangle carefully took the instrument off the wall. She was much to small to hold it properly but she still strummed the chords loudly. Pentagon watched and was getting more and more anxious.
"Alright alright you played a bit let's go! What if we scratch it? Blixer will kill us!"
"Oh calm down Penti- I'm not going to scratch It-" and in that moment her grip on the guitar slipped and it crashed to the floor spitting in two at the neck of the instrument. Both shapes floated in silence for a good solid second before looking up
Meanwhile at the ice cream shop. Blixer was going on about something when he suddenly cut off.
"Blixer? Is something wrong?" Cube asked him, tilting his head to the side. Blixer just stands up.
"I've got to get home someone touched my guitar." Was all he said before running off at top speed. Square and cube exchanged glances before following after him. This probably wasn't good.
Back at Blixer's house Triangle and pentagon are screaming and flying in circles.
"NO WE ARENT! Look it's fine I'll just grab the glue and-"
They went back and forth before blixer slammed open the door
"WHOS BEEN TOUCHING MY STUFF!" He yelled before he saw his prized possession broken in two on the floor. Pentagon was silently crying and triangle's yellow skin went a pail white.
"H-hi blixer" she gave a nervous wave and smiled nervously. Blixer was in stunned silence for a few moments, just long enough for cube and square to catch up.
When square saw what had happened they gave a soft "oh no" Blixer's Head shot up and glaired daggers at the two perpetrators, there was a look of murder in his eye.
"What the HELL DID YOU F-CKING DO TO MY GUITAR!?" He yelled and the two shapes coward back. Pentagon was already apologizing profusely.
"Blixer! Please!" Cube grabbed him by the arm to hold him back. "It was a mistake. We can get you a new guitar-"
"YOU CANT JUST REPLACE SOMETHING LIKE THIS!" Blixer snapped back and cube went silent. Not from being yelled at, but because he saw Blixer had a few tears in his eyes. Blixer shook cube off and stormed out of the house. Cube looked at square then chased after Blixer.
" uh... should I get the glue?" Triangle said after a long moment of silence. Square looked at them angrily. "No, we're going to get Vin. He can fix it better than some glue can."
Cube wasn't as fast as blixer, but he eventually caught up to him. Blixer was sitting underneath a tree, legs pulled up to his chest and he was crying softly. Cube slowly approached him.
Cube called out quietly. Blixer looked up a moment. But then shoved his head back into his arms. Cube slowly moved to sit beside him.
"I'm really sorry about what happened." Cube started, he wasn't very good with words, but he wanted to help comfort his friend.
"Just. Forget about it. Is not like I care" blixer said quietly. His snappy tone was definitely sarcasm. Cube just sat with him in silence. Trying to quietly provide comfort.
After a long moment he spoke,
"It's got sentimental value. Only good thing that I took with me from my old home." Blixer said sniffing. Oh, cube nodded.
"My ma gave to me. She's the one person who actually supported me though my teen angst and- and it's gone. Broken, ruined!" He cries. Cube moves closer and hugs him. Blixer flinches but let's him. "I'm sorry this happened. But you've still got the memories right? Those stay with you no matter what. Ah, sorry I'm not good with words..." cube says Blixer just nods he doesn't want to talk but cube feel like he appreciates it. After a while Blixer has calmed down and now they're both just laying down on the grass under the tree. They probably would have stayed like this longer but some footsteps coughs their attention. Blixer looks up and is surprised to see Vin holding a bundle, along with Square, and the perpetrators being somewhat dragged behind the blue shape.
"Square didn't trust their friends to bring this to you so I did it myself." The robot says and reviled what he had been holding. He unwrapped it and it was Blixer's guitar! It was all fixed up good as new. Blixer's eye shot open and grabbed it.
"It should be completely working again. Though I checked to make sure everything is tuned correctly I can't exactly play any music so if there still is anything wrong with it-"
"No it's perfect." Blixer cut him off and strummed a few chords. It sounded just like before, maybe even better. Square cleared his throat and pushed Triangle and Pentagon towards Blixer. "And these two have something to say to you" square said. Triangle floated down so she was almost touching the ground. "I'm really sorry for breaking your guitar. I won't touch your stuff again." She said. And pentagon nodded. "A-And I'm sorry I didn't do anything else to stop her." Blixer looked at them both for a moment and nodded. "Yah. It's fine. At least it's fixed now. But I don't want any of you to come near my house unless you want a laser to the face." Surprisingly this was the best outcome you could expect from him. Triangle and pentagon nodded then zoomed off. Vin shrugged. "Well then. I'll be going." He said before walking away from the hill. Square sighed. "Well I'm glad that's settled. I'm going to go back to the ice cream shop. You guys want to join me?" Square offered. Blixer thought then shook his head.
"I'll meet up with you later. I'm going to stay here for a bit." Square nodded and flew off. Cube stayed sitting next to him. "I guess I should leave to. You probably don't want me listening in." Cube moves to get up but Blixer lightly grabbed his arm to pull him back down.
"Actually... you can stay if you want. I don't mind having you as my audience" Blixer sort of looked to the side shyly. And cube gave a soft smile and moved so sit facing Blixer. "That sounds nice."
They stayed there for the rest of they day, Blixer playing a few calm songs on his guitar and Cube happily listening and singing along.

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