Vindicate me

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Somewhere not in paradise. A lab was set up.
A robotics lab.
Run by one shape.
He called himself the creator.
Nobody questioned him since he payed well.
His prized work was a robot.
Built to emulate a living shape being.
He was perfect.
Creator had a philosophy that emotions only got in the way of progress, and to truely succeed you had to push you emotions aside. He applied this to his creation.
The robot was a without emotion.
And this robot was without a song.
Shapes in this world have a song that is in essence, them. This robot wasn't made with one.
He was the perfect worker. Followed orders and endured everything. Truly ahead of his time.
But one inturn noticed something. Occasionally he would twitch, like something was trying to spark to the surface but was pushed back by his programming.
She wanted to bring this up but decided against it. Who was she to try to humanize a machine?
But the more tests the creator preformed on the robot the more and more she saw this spark. She couldn't put a finger on it but something felt... wrong... about this.
She accompanied creator during one of his tests. She was told to take notes. He walked up to the robot and asked one, familiar question.
"Project. 0972. What is your song?"
A song. Every level that's ever been born has one. A tune that embodies them to a T. This project was made to attempt to replicate this phenomenon in an artificial being.
"No song detected." The robot replied. Same answer as always. The creator grumbled then walked off. She glanced back at the robot before leaving as well, She was sure the creator saw it. There was something to this robot that was working. But something was holding it back. She wasn't sure what to make of it. More days past and she again saw it twitch. She internally winced when she witnessed it, she wasn't sure why it bothered her so much.
Then it hit her. The realization of what this was hit her like a cement truck.
During one test gone wrong the robot was damaged badly, sparks were flying and it was twitching violently.
That's when the word hit her.
He was in pain.
She let her emotions get to her and confronted the creator about this.
"How you're treating him is unfair! He is feeling pain! You're hurting him!" She argued and pleaded but creator had non of it. He dismissed her saying she was being emotional. And that "robots don't feel pain." Her rage got the better of her and she plotted her revenge.
She's probably going to be fired for it. But she didn't care. One night she snuck into the room the robot was kept. He was repaired now, led's on his body glowing a dull grey. She went behind him and opened the panel on his head. After she was done he twitched from his seat. He was currently in a sleep mode. Probably good for her since he definitely had a recording feature in him. So she snuck out,
It was like waking up.
He slowly looked up feeling an ache in his head.
He felt tired.
Robots don't feel tired.
Robots don't feel period.
Then why was he?
A sudden wave of shock bolted though him and he was scared.
The creator talked about emotions being a hindrance.
He was broken!
He would be tossed out if the creator found out.
Fear was now prevalent in him.
He hated it.
He hated being afraid.
But he was feeling.
But oddly enough.
A part of him didn't want to go back to feeling nothing.
A song was ringing in his ears. He's never heard it before yet it feels familiar, like it's a part of him.
He isn't sure how, but he knows it's name.
Vindicate Me.
Things were definitely a bit more complicated now for her. The robot didn't seem to act any different. But she noticed things. He was hiding it. Probably a smart idea for him. But then again, she didn't know for sure what she did, she regretted it now but she wouldn't take it back.
But she did get nervous when she was asked to join creator for the usual test.
Asking for the song.
Like usual they walked in together, she held a clipboard to take notes. And creator walked up to the robot and said.
"Project 0972. What is your song?"
The robot seemed to flinch. He glanced to the side for a moment and she just knew.
"N-No song detected." He replied.
He had a song. And he was hiding it. That's when she made up her mind. He needed to get out.
He deserved to live
She saw him flinch during tests he previously wouldn't react to.
He wouldn't be able to hide this forever, she knew it. She had to get him out.
He deserved to live.
She knew if he was going to live he had to get out of here.
He knew it to.
One night she snuck into his holding room. When he looked at her she put a finger to her lips in a shushing motion, she couldn't help but notice some mechanical parts laying next to him. He had taken out the built in camera and the tracking device. He didn't want them to know where he was. They never spoke a word to each other, but they knew to work together.
Quietly, carefully. They both snuck out of the building. Once they were far enough away, he spoke.
"I don't know your name. But thank you." He stated. His voice sounded more natural than how he spoke before. She nodded
"Don't thank me yet. We need to get you somewhere else to be sure he won't find you again." She replied and pulled out her phone. She had a cousin who lived in a place called Paradise. She was sure he could help.
"I never did get your name, Miss." the robot asked. Oh yah! Names are important.
"Oh it's-" she cut herself off, curiosity got her best of her and she thought of something on the spot.
"Actually, you tell me your name first." She stated.
"M-my name? It's Project 09-"
"That's not what I mean. I mean YOUR name." She cut him off.
"I... I don't have...." he trailed off, Looking concerned. She gave him a serious look,
"You've got a song now right?" He look at her surprised. She gave him a sly grin.
"I'll take that as a yes. You've got a song. That means you've got a name." He wasn't sure what she was taking about exactly but then remembered the song.
That was his.
That was his name.
"My.... my name is.." he started then took a breath, "My name is Vindicate Me." He stated with confidence. She smiled. But he added, "Vindicate me is a long name. I'd rather be called Vinny. It's much more efficient." She snickered, emotions or not he was still a robot. Vinny gave her a confused look. "What? Is something wrong with that?"
"No no, it's nothing" she smiled and held out her hand. "My name is Lunar Whale, but you can call me Lunar."
The two had traveled to paradise, Lunar said she had a cousin there. He would help Vinny out.
He gave Vinny a place to stay. It was a small place. But Vinny didn't mind, it was his own place. Lunar had to head back. But she assured Vinny that she would be back soon.
"I'm pretty sure I'm going to be fired. I don't care though. I was planning to quit anyway" even if she said she'd be fine Vinny couldn't help but be a little worried.
Lunar's cousin said he'd get him anything he needed within reason. Vinny only really asked for scrap metal.
That and some parts.
He knew much information about robotics.
He also knew that he was not built very well.
"Perfect robot... psh. More like the perfect slave." He grumbled while working on blueprints.
I mean he's tampered with his own body before. Might as well improve it for the new environment he was in.
For the first time in his life he was thinking about his future.
He wasn't sure how it would go.
But he felt like he'd be alright.

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