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Once upon a time long long ago there lived two sisters, Solaria and Stella. They were the sun and the moon of paradise. Solaria brought the day and light, Stella the stars and the night,
And they were content.
But overtime the shapes began to snub the night, seeing it as only a thing that takes away the light. Stella saw this and was troubled, she brought her concerns to her sister but she waved it off as nothing. Solaria wasn't snubbed by the shapes, she was praised! They saw her as a bringer of light and life, they worshiped her and her day.
She was happy.
Her sister grew resentful.
The resentment that was in Stella grew to jealousy, and then rage. Why did her foolish sister get worshiped so? Stella worked hard on her night! And yet the shapes hated her?? Her naturally blue hue started to turn a deep shade of red.
"How DARE they! How dare SHE! They would worship me if my sister wasn't around!" She declared as the red crawled up from her legs to her chest.
"ILL SHATTER HER!" She screeched as the red corruption completely took ahold of the moon.

Solaria, meanwhile, had grown arrogant. She was disregarding her sister, starting to think everyone would be better off without the night! Her naturally orange color turned into a sickly green hue,
"The shapes here despise the night anyway? Why should I not grant their wish to get rid of it?" But as she said those words she realized something. She looked down at her shifting colors and horror washed over her.
"N-no.. what am I saying? I cannot think such foolish things, the world needs balance, if I get rid of the night paradise will plunge into chaos." The green faded slightly, but she still saw hints of it on her fingertips. Solaria gulped and shook her head, her golden locks falling to her side. "I must talks with Stella... things have to improve" she declared while marching off to face her sister.
"Stella?" Solaria called while peaking into her sisters room. She let out a gasp, the walls were covered in slashes and books were scattered everywhere. A bloody red color had infected the floor and walls of the room. Her gaze was drawn to the walls, scratched into them was one phrase, repeated over and over
Solaria felt sick. She had to find her sister... no, confronting her now wouldn't be wise, she needed the help of the treeangle.

Solaria was almost to the treeangle when she was ambushed. She had just enough time to summon her spear and block the attack. She saw that t was her sister, her usually deep blue was replaced with a furious red, hatred was clouding her vision, solaria was afraid.
Stella jumped back and pointed her scimitar at her sister.
"You! Everyone loves you! They hate me! They'd rather see me dead! But I'll show them. They'll have only me to love when they see you in PIECES!" She screeched and charged at her sister, aiming to slash at her. Solaria jumped back and summoned a projectile attack.
"I don't want to fight you! I know I've been a horrible sister, but please! We can fix this!"
"It's too late for that! Now FIGHT ME!" Stella charged again slashing with her weapon. Solaria did her best to dodge but one hit she was to slow, the sword sliced at her arm, just above the elbow, a high pithed crack rang out as Solaria's arm was sliced clean off, chunks of a glass like material fell to the ground, the severed arm shattered into a million pieces when it hit the floor. Solaria screamed in pain, dashing back until she was at the base of the treeangle, she was panting hard, struggling to keep herself from splitting into any more cracks, the green color from her fingers spread to her wrist, she wasn't mentally strong enough to keep her own ego in check, she just knew she had to stop her sister.
And she would do it by any means.
The treeangle began to glow as Solaria raised her spear towards her sister.
Stella was charging at Solaria, sword poised to strike at her chest.
A blue light gathered around her spear as she struggled to aim with only one good arm.
Then she fired.
A piercing screech was emitted from Stella as she was hit. Her chest splintered and crumbled to pieces.
She was hit in the heart,
Stella's eyes were wide with shock as more cracks spread throughout her entire body. Then moments later, she crumbled to pieces and hit the ground dead.
Solaria dropped her spear, then fell to her knees. The horror and shock of what she's done settling into her. She looked down, tears forming in her eyes, she had killed her own sister.
She could feel cracks forming from her wounds.
She could also feel that sickly green creeping up from her wrist.
Her breathing cane in short bursts, her voice caught in her throat. She silently cried.
Behind her the treeangle continued to glow, but she didn't care, she couldn't care. She didn't feel anything.
Cracks slowly spread up to her face.
She was only vaguely aware of what was going on around her. Suddenly,!she succumbed to her wounds, letting out a grief filled wail.
Then in an instant. It was over.
What remains of the sun and moon was only shattered glass.

The treeangle glows silently. Shapes who had hid when the fight started had started to emerge, screams of fear started to ring out when they realized both the sun and the moon were dead.
"What's do we do?"
"What's going to happen to us?"
"Oh Treeangle please help us!"
Voices rang out and panic spread. The treeangle soon responded, sending out two power triangles, one yellow, and one blue. They floated over to the shards and began to glow. Suddenly the shards disappeared in a ball of light, then the two triangles shot up into the sky. Balls of light formed around them, and as they reached the heavens they grew and changed into two shapes.
One resembling the sun.
And the other resembling the moon.
The shapes looked up in awe, then cheered, they were saved. But soon they realized something was odd. The sun and moon looked different. But most didn't care, as long as they were there.
The sun and the moon didn't return to life as they had before.
The sisters were dead.
Gone long before they were intended to reincarnate,
The treeangle had to make placeholders until the true reincarnations were created.
The placeholders were meager copies, simply goof though the motions of night and day, but no beauty or life was carried in the actions,
The shapes began to realize what they lost in both the night and the day, and swore to not make this same mistake again.

The story of the two sisters was passed down from generations as a tail of warning, that even the mightiest of people can be brought low from their flaws, but it was also a warning to the shapes, be grateful for what you have.
Because one day it might be shattered right before your very eyes.

{ sorry if the pacing is weird I just came up with this today, guess this is a textbook definition of a one shot}

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