Corrupted the Void Lord

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All he sees is pitch black.
How did he get here?
He was with some friends...
He thought they were friends.
They all went somewhere secluded and...
He remembers feeling betrayed.
And pain.
He feels like he's floating.
Is he dead?
It's so cold.
He's scared.
His voice shaking, he calls out.
"Hello?" His voice echos in the abyss.
"Is anyone here?"
No reply.
He's alone.
No! No that can't be right!
"Hello! Anyone! Please??" He cries desperately.
"There's no need to yell young one"
A calming voice replied.
He isn't alone.
"Please! Can you help me? I don't know where I am."
"I am helping. At least, how I can."
They replied.
"Where am I?"
"The void, young one."
The void. I guess that confirms it for him.
"I'm... I'm dead aren't I?"
"In a sense yes"
He curled up. He was still floating.
"I am truly sorry for you."
"What am I going to do?" He mumbled out loud. He felt the unknown force wrap around him.
"I can't give you your life back, but I can give you a new one."
He feels an unknown power take hold of him. It scared him, but the presence calms him.
"You will become something much greater than before. I can't promise it will be easy..."
Unknown power flowed though him. He feels more secure in this void. Instead of floating, he feels like he's flying.
"I'm willing to learn." He replied.
And so it begun.
His appearance changed. But he didn't mind. It felt more fitting for his role. Overtime he began to understand the ins and outs of the void. He even learned how to observe the outside world. It was lonely, but he liked it. He was always a solitary soul.
Though the void isn't as empty as you'd think. Every once in a while he spots a soul that's wondering here. They don't stay long, he doubts they even remember their visit. But he likes to keep an eye on them.
He even learned how he can visit the surface, he can take on a different form and walk up there. Though he usually doesn't do this.
But he did consider it when he discovered something
HE was still walking free...
To say he didn't hold a grudge over the shape that took his life would be a lie.
He had the power to destroy them and even prevent their soul from leaving a limbo
But he didn't feel like taking any revenge,
But he did feel like messing with him.
Opening a portal to the surface he jumped in.
His feet landed onto the grass of a nearby meadow. His form did change in the surface. Looking more human for lack of a better word. Similar to how he looked in his past life, but different. Not that he minded. Would make this more fun. He walked up behind the shape and walked past, but bumped his shoulder making the other shout "Oi! Watch where yer goin-" he went dead silent when corrupted turned around, he had to fight the urge to grin mischievously at the shape.
"My apologies sir." He simply replied. The shape looked pail, and just shook his head slightly like he wasn't believing what he was seeing. Now Corrupted let a sly grin spread across his face. "What's the matter? You look as if you've seen a ghost~" he leans in and the other shape backs up and runs. Screaming about him being dead. Corrupted turns the other way and laughs. That was fun.
Time doesn't exist in the void.
Or at least he doesn't keep track of it.
He knows for sure a long while passes before an odd rift appears.
Usually this only happens when he opens a portal to the surface, but only he should be able to do this. So how is this happening. Corrupted gets his answer when a man with a clockwork theme looks though the rift like a window. He's seen him around, never bothered to remember his name, but he always called him the Time Keeper. Fancy nickname for just an overeager clock maker who also makes fancy gadgets. Corrupted never got the appeal. But apparently his latest one did something that actually seemed to effect him. Now this is getting interesting.
"Oh Dear, did it not work?" The golden colored man says to himself. "Hello! Is anyone there?.... huh, maybe I didn't calibrate it right"
On any other day Corrupted might have left this man be, but he decided to amuse him. That and he HAD to investigate anything that involves the void. It's his duty. He floated up so that he was in full view of this window and looked down at the man who wasn't even looking at the portal before calling.
"And what exactly do you think you're doing?"
The time keeper gave a startled yell and turned to look right at him. Surprise and slight fear was clearly present in his face. Corrupted had to keep up a poker face as to not start to laugh.
"What does a meer mortal want to gain from getting involved in matters of the VOID?"
Now anyone else would have probably run off screaming at Corrupted's loud and commanding voice.
But the time keeper wasn't anyone else.
"Ah! My apologies I didn't mean to- Wait.. did you say the void?" His voice was curious and had a hint of excitement. Corrupted barked back.
The time keeper froze for a moment. Then a wide and ridiculous grin spread across his face.
"I did it.. IT WORKED! ahaha!" He started laughing and celebrating. Corrupted raised an eyebrow at this. He didn't need to ask what this man meant since he continued.
"I did it! I made a window into the void! I have proof! Scientific proof!"
"What do you mean proof? The void is very real, mortal."
"No no I mean like nobody has been able to scientifically prove the void exists. Like nobody can just waltz into the void. But I made a window into it! Oh Great Treeangle I've just made history!"
Corrupted had seen scientists when they make a discovery and grumbled internally. If this young man was about to spread this 'window' to the scientific world he would have to be social. And corrupted hated stuff like that. The young man looked over, seemingly he calmed down from his excitement.
"Oh! Are you alright mister.... oh! How rude of me I haven't even introduced myself!" Well he bounced back fast. He straightened his tan lab coat slightly and smiled warmly. "I am Chronos! I'm an Inventor and a clock maker. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Corrupted already knew this about Chronos just from what he's observed, but he knew it'd be rude to not respond.
And he didn't want to pass up a chance to startle someone.
"I already know that about you mortal, but that's not the point. You may call me Corrupted, Lord of the Void" he spoke in a proud voice, clearly it had a great effect since Chronos' face changed to surprise again.
"Lord of the- your a GOD!?"
"In a sense yes"
Chronos got excited again. "I've met a God!" Then the excitement drained into fear. "I've embarrassed myself in front of a God" Corrupted let out a loud laugh at that.
"You don't have to be like that now! I've already seen how you act."
Chronos has a confused look on his face and Corrupted simply responded with. "I'm a silent observer." Chronos cleared his throat and looked away embarrassed. "My apologies, Corrupted, sir, but, sorry if this is overstepping any boundary's but. Earlier you seemed... dreadful. Is something the matter? If I did something to offend you I sincerely apologize-"
"No no it wasn't you." Corrupted cut him off and shifted in his position, still floating but different. "It's just. When a new 'breakthrough' as you call it, happens the scientists buzz to it like bees and, since it's void related, I'd have to be involved and that's... a lot... of talking." Corrupted sighed. Chronos spoke up.
"Do you not like social interaction?"
"Talking is," Corrupted let out a grumble, "exhausting." Chronos made a quiet 'ah' noise and nodded. He looked to be thinking, Corrupted was quiet done with this situation so he decided to end it.
"Well this has been very... interesting to say the least. Do what you will but I'm quite done talking for today." Chronos jumped up.
"Oh! Alright. Goodbye then. I won't be a bother to you now." Chronos said while he scrambled to a machine that must be projecting this window he made.
"Bother isn't the right word, but call it what you will mortal. Goodbye." Corrupted said, Chronos waved and the portal closed.
"Scientists these days. If this keeps up I'll have to create pockets for myself." Corrupted grumbled to himself.
He felt like treeangle would laugh about him sounding like an old man.
Some time later the window opened again. Corrupted sighed, expecting to see multiple scientists lined up to inspect the new rift but when he looked over he saw it was just the Time Keeper again.
"Excuse me, Are you still here Corrupted?"
"No I'm in Greenland- yes I am still here, mortal."
Corrupted appeared before the window again and Chronos smiled in greeting. "Oh good! I was worried I might have scared you off- no wait that wasn't what." Corrupted chuckled. "Yes yes I know what you were trying to say. Now allow me to ask, why haven't you told your science friends of your history making discovery?" Corrupted genuinely was curious of this.
"Ah well you see. You mentioned how you didn't like socializing too much so I thought, it'd be better if you only had to deal with one annoying scientist asking you stuff then one hundred." He gave a nervous smile and held up a clipboard to slightly cover his face.
"I mean only if you want to answer some, probably dumb, questions that is." Chronos did seem genuinely courteous with this decision. Corrupted had to admit he found this intriguing.
"Alright Time Keeper. I'll bite. I'll answer you're questions as long as you stop when I say." He could see Chronos' eyes light up with this answer.
"Yes sir! Of coarse!"
And that was the day that Chronos and Corrupted stated chatting.
They did in fact grow closer after that.
But that's a story for another time~

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