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This was bad.
Paradise was in danger.
Paradise was corrupted again, this time by a monster called Centipede. The heroic shapes were so close to defeating it before, but then... someone who they thought they could trust had... blixer thought he could trust her but she.....
It didn't matter. It doesn't matter anymore. The monster has broken the treeangle again, thanks to the efforts of Penti, Square, Heli, and Ship, they were able to recover and heal two of the pieces, along with parts of Paradise, the top pice and the bottom, they called themselves Ortensia and Teresa. Cube and Blixer had decided to guard them, even though blixer didn't think he should, he felt safe knowing Cube was here.
"I don't like this..." Ortensia mumbled to herself, she had one eye in the center of her head, reminding blixer of a Cyclopes, she had the triangular halo of the treeangle, the rest of her outfit was a jumpsuit with triangular trimmings. She continued, "if that beast gets ahold of Dianna... this corruption could spread further than just paradise." Ortensia looked serious, but an air of worry could be seen from her. Cube glanced at her and gave a small smile. "I'm sure Square can do it. He's got Penti with him. A-and Heli and boat can-"
"But they don't have your triangles! She does!" Blixer snapped, he hated that he made cube wince but at the moment he wasn't thinking, he was upset.
"Square can't use his super lazer whatever form without those! And neither can Penti!" Blixer held his head in his hands and sank to the floor.
"Why would Mom do this..." he mumbles to himself. Teresa walked over to him and placed a hand on his back, she looked at him and tried to comfort him. She also had one eye, but it was placed on her left and her hair fell covering where another eye would be, she had a skirt on resembling the shape of the treeangle, her upper body had a jumpsuit top, and she had no halo. "It's going to be alright. I trust in our friends." She said in a soft but reassuring voice. Blixer wanted to believe her but...
"No... he's right, our chances are slim as we stand" Ortensia stated, getting everyone's attention. "If we want to make sure Centipede and Lovania are stopped, we need to overpower them."
"B-but, how will we do that? Centipede had who knows how many power triangles in him, and Lovania has two." Cube asked. Ortensia looked at him. "Yes that's true, but what we have are two parts of the treeangle. And a powerful shape." She said looking at blixer. Cube gave a soft gasp and blixer looked up. "W-what!? What are you talking about?" Blixer looked confused, and felt a little gratified when Teresa also shared in his confusion. "Ortensia, what are you suggesting?"
"I'm suggesting," she walked up to Blixer and stood next to him. "He used his power to stop those two."
"What!?" Blixer jumped up and yelled in protest. "No way! I'm not doing that! I don't trust myself to not abuse power like that!"
"I have to agree with Blixer." Teresa joined. "You saw what happened when he had some power triangles and one of us, if he had two who knows what-"
"Then let him use just one." Ortensia interrupted. "And if he does loose control, the other can pull the power out."
"You can do that?" Cube questioned, Ortensia nodded.
"The treeangle has the power to remove any form of power triangle from others. Especially parts of herself."
"Then... why didn't you do that before?" Blixer asked, astonished.
"...I forgot" Ortensia glances away with an embarrassed expression. "B-but that's not the point! Teresa, if it comes to it I trust you to pull me out." She stated with confidence, Teresa hesitated, then nodded. Blixer still looked apprehensive.
"L-look miss Treeangle. I am really flattered that you're putting so much faith in me but. I don't think I can handle it! What if I just go on a rampage and cause even more of a problem! Paradise doesn't need ANOTHER monster on the loose!" Blixer was about to continue but Ortensia silenced him by placing a hand on his shoulder. "Blixer, I've seen how much you've grown since you've been here. You've changed and become a better person, and I trust you to control yourself. I believe you can do it." Blixer still looked concerned but she added, "and besides, you aren't alone. You have your friends to keep you grounded" Blixer looked over at cube and they locked eyes, cube smiled. "Blixer I know you can do it!" Blixer gave a small smile, then took a deep breath. "Alright, what's the plan?"

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