Obligatory Christmas fic

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Now it had only been a few months since the revaluation that Vinny and this new robot named Core were related. They had both been built by the same man, thus technically making them brothers. And Hyper, of coarse, wanted to invite his new 'uncle' over for the holidays.
"Hyper, I love you, but I don't think inviting Core over will be very wise... he, well he would probably complain the whole time about these activities behind 'a wasted of time a resources' or something like that" Vinny huffed, but his son insisted
"But Christmas is about family! Please?? I wanna invite core's family too! I'd get to hang out with Run again please? Please please!" Hyper begged, Vinny was filled with dread, but he couldn't say no to a face like that. "Alright! But we can't have the party at my workshop, I don't want Core to mess with my projects." Hyper gasped and cheered. Then ran off to go make invites. Vinny watched him run off, seeing him happy make Vinny smile... if he had to put up with his 'brother' just to see his son smile then he supposed it would be worth it.
By some stroke of luck Crystal had gotten permission to use the studio for this chistmas party, she even got the food and stuff, Vinny had invited Lunar, since he considers her family, and Cassie, who was pretty much Hyper's mother in all but blood. She had brought her son DR. When he arrived Hyper ran over and hugged him. Then dragged him along to go meet his friend Run. Vinny seemed to relax, the kids could play. He was currently in a good mood.
And then Core showed up.
"Logically this party is a waste of time and resources" he said in his usual monotone voice. Vinny's anger flared and his powercore turned red for a moment to express this emotion. But before he could express where Core could shove his logic,Lunar cut between them. "Ah, hello, your that creators latest bot then?" She held out her hand. "I'm Lunar Whale, nice to meet you" core blinked at her and shook her hand. "You used to work with him, correct?"
"Yes, used to, but I quit"
"After you assisted in the escape of projec- V i n n y." He corrected himself. Lunar put a hand on her hip. "Yah, but I don't regret it. Anyway." She looked Core up and down slightly then pursed her lip. "Guess that meathead finally succeeded in making an artificial song without the emotion then?"
"...mostly" core responses and refused to elaborate. Lunar smiled. "Ah good enough." She pats him on the shoulder. "Welcome to paradise then! Now if you need me, the snack table is calling my name" and with that Lunar went right over to the snake table to help herself. Vinny watched her leave, his powercore returning to its usual green. He looked back and for a brief moment he though he saw Core's own powercore flash a dull purple, but it was back to its usual red before Vinny could be sure. Core looked out and found the younger shapes playing video games. Vinny follows his gaze. "Ah, I think that's Hyper's favorite game, uh... Mario... smash... world?"
"Super smash bros. That I believe is the brawl version. An older game but not the oldest in the series" Core detailed. Vinny's color tinged red for a brief moment. "Yes thank you"
"Run enjoys that game" this got Vinny's attention.
"Oh really?"
"Yes she had the handheld version, smash bros. For the 3ds. A more recent game in the series."
"Oh yah I thing Hyper has that one. He's tried to get me to play it before. He always picks that small dragon character in the clown car thing."
"Bowser Jr."
"Yah him."
"Run mains Duck Hunt"
"Oh? Why's that?"
"She said it's cute" Vinny nods, but couldn't help but look around, the kids playing video games, luna talking with Crystal as she eats snacks. Fox is over by the present table looking though stuff. But the drone that he placed to guard the presents is hovering over him making sure he won't opening anything.
Incogni soon walks over, Core seemed to notice him first,
"Hey Core, Vinny." Incognizant greeted. Vinny nodded. "Greetings. Your Runs, uhh brother correct?"
"Yep." The shape nodded, he had his mask over his face like usual, but instead of the star shape he usually wore, it had a snowflake on it. Festive. The blue shape turned to core. "So how are you enjoying the party?"
"I don't understand them enjoyment myself." Core responded in a monotone fashion. Vinny gave a slight glare, expecting him to go on some logic tangent, but it didn't happen. Instead core glanced to the side and replied "but I suppose if you're enjoying yourself there's something to it" Vinny blinked in surprise, and he swore he saw core's powercore fade into a soft pink briefly. This caused Vinny to give a silent grin. He wouldn't say anything.
"Well glad to hear that!" Incogni replies, not noticing the color shift. "We're going to open the presents soon so I wanted to get you both over there"
"Wait? Already?"
"Fox won't stop trying to Peak so Crystal and Cassie agreed to open presents early." Vinny could briefly hear the frustrated beeps of the drone watching the presents, Yah makes sense. Core nodded. "Alright, we will be there shortly." Then incognizant left. And Vinny gave a sly grin at core
"What's with that look?" Vinny was delighted to see core's face give a look of surprise, anything different from his usual bland expression was a blessing. "Well let's go" core walked off, not making eye contact. Vinny chuckled. "Emotionless robot my circuits, you've got some feelings in there-"
Presents we're going well, the kids went first and they all seemed to love what they got, the group were huddled together gushing over their gifts. The adults had only started to open presents, specific Fox, he got some new jewelry and was showing it off. Lunar soon approached the robots holding two gifts. Handing one to each "happy holidays."
"Wait? Why are you giving this to me? I have no need for knick knacks" core responded and lunar gave him a smirk. "It's not a knick knack. Just open it ya stubborn bag of bolt. Got one for you too Vinny" lunar then turned and handed the other gift to him. "Thanks" the green bot smiled. Core still looked confused but opened the box, and inside was a fancy looking device that Vinny recognized, it was a part that Lunar had given him before but he had to return since it wasn't compatible with his system. Just from the look of it, Vinny could tell it was compatible with Core.
"How did? This is fantastic!" Core looked delightfully surprised, his red core color getting a yellow hue. Lunar smiles. "Thought you'd might like it." Vinny gave a slight eye roll then opened his own. And his reaction to getting several drone parts he was needing was very exciting. Lunar laughs. She did know Vinny well enough to expect this.

And so the party came to an end. Everyone hugged and said their goodbyes. Core approached Vinny before leaving. "Well Vinny, I suppose I've come to a conclusion about this, 'holiday party.'
"Oh really? Do tell" Vinny said,with fake enthusiasm. Core was quiet for a moment then said. "While it does, on the surface, seem like a waste of time and resources... I have learned why these party's are so frequent." Core glanced at all the shapes that came together. "It makes them happy." Vinny gave a grin. "Well glad to see you've changed your mind"
"I haven't changed my mind, I've just been given more evidence to come to a more reasonable conclusion"
"The gift won you over didn't it?"
"...maybe" Vinny laughed. Core glared.
Hyper ran over to the two and hugged them. "Happy holidays! Thank you for coming uncle Core!"
"Uh, yes of course." Core awkwardly pats the kids back, he hasn't gotten used gotten the hang of hugs yet. And with that core left with Run and her family, Lunar went home soon after, and Crystal and DR left not long after. Hyper smiled up at his dad. "Thanks for letting me set this up Dad!"
Vinny smiles back. "You're welcome."

{aaaaaand sorry if this is a bit rushed at the end. I wanted to get this out for Christmas}

Just shapes and beats oneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin