Lets make a deal

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It was a rainy, cold night. Cogni was doing what he could to keep our little sister Run warm. But we only had so much. I tried to plead to the landlord to give us more time but... well rent was due and his hands were tied. I don't blame him. But I can't help but be a little upset. Money is tight for us three. I'm the oldest so it's my job to make sure my siblings are cared for but there's only so much money you can make from minimum wage. I went out for a walk along the city's edge. I knew the area well so I didn't fear getting lost. The cold air brushed against my face, I sighed.
"What am I going to do..." I wondered out loud.
I wracked my brain for any ideas, there has to be something. Anything.
Then suddenly a cold chill crawled up my spine. It wasn't just from the breeze. I felt like... something was calling me. I turned towards a direction and started walking. An unknown force leading me on. I wasn't sure what I was doing but I just felt like... it was an opportunity. I soon found myself in a dimly lit alleyway, the remnants of a long closed cafe at the side. I looked down and saw a pink and orange tail enter the shop, I didn't catch the full sight of the creature it came  from. "Wait!" I called out and followed it into the closed cafe.
It was dark. The only light coming from the neon signs outside the alleyway and circular candles, glowing an unnaturally pink color.
"Is someone there?" I called, feeling I wasn't alone.

"What an odd young woman you are. Following a stranger into an unknown place~"
A voice hummed in an amused tone. I jumped and looked around.
"Who's there? Please, show yourself."
"My my~ such demands. But since you asked so nicely..." suddenly there's a rustling sound I turn to it and spot a orange and pink colored shape hop onto a table. It had a small pointed head, a slim body, and six tails, pink beads were adorned on it. I tilted my head
"...a cat?"
"Excuse you, I am a fox!" The shape animal said. I let out a surprised scream.
"You talk!?"
"Yes yes of course I talk, who did you think you were speaking to? A ghost?" The fox laughs at its own joke. I would laugh but I didn't get it.
"Oh ho! Ah but I'm getting off task. Now then.... down to business!" The fox said hopping onto a counter closer to where I stood.
"Business?" I echoed as I watched the quick shape fox hop over to me I got a good close look at he beads ordaining him. They were pink, and had triangles on the edges, and they glowed dully, it was almost unnoticeable, but there. I almost couldn't look away. But my attention was drawn back to the foxes pointed face.
"The business I'm talking about is our deal of coarse! That's why your here aren't you? You want to make a deal with me to fix up your pathetic life!" The fox said so casually that I almost didn't react, but I did, I took a step back in shock. "W-what! How did you-"
"Oh I know things dear~ now then. What's your wish? Fortune? Power? Fame? Name your price and I'll give you some options. I'm a very generous fox." He says like he's pitching me an offer.
I thought about it. I don't quite believe this fox is telling the whole truth but... maybe I can at least vent? I sighed.
"What I want... is a safe place for me and my siblings to live, we just got evicted... and our parents aren't.... we can't go back there. They're still so young I don't want them to live a life on the streets! I...I'd give anything for them to have a happy and safe life!" I blurted the last part out. The fox was wide eyed in silence. "O-oh sorry I didn't mean to vent" I looked down and rubbed my arm.
"....you're so... selfless... that's so genetically Sweet I might get a cavity" he mumbles the last part. Then says. "Give me a moment! I have to rethink my offer" he then jumps off the counter for a bit. I blinked. But decided to sit down at one of the booths. I... didn't know what I got myself into. I'm talking with a jewelry fox about my problems and he was promising things I didn't exactly want. What I needed was a secure job that can give my family a safe place to grow up. I thought to my brother and sister sleeping in a box on the street. I started to tear up. They didn't deserve that! They didn't deserve any pain or heartache and I just wanted to-
"I've come up with an offer." The fox was suddenly sitting on the table in front of me. His sudden appearance had dragged me out of my thoughts. I rubbed my eyes to wipe the tears away.
"It's very clear to me that you aren't my usual clientele. Thus I'm going to change up my rules. So.. here's the plan." The fox steps a bit closer.
"You offer me your song after you shatter... and I can make you a star!"
"...a star?" I echo.... I will admit being a movie star was a dream of mine... but I've long since realized I can't reach that.
"Yes! It's all planned out. I'll be your manager. Set everything up, and even get you and your lovely siblings a comfortable home they can live in! You and your family will never worry about living on the streets for the rest of your days! And all this comes at the low low price of your song after you expire! Can't beat a deal like that darling~" The fox said while looking very proud. I blinked.. Wait he was basically offering me to sell my soul!!!....but... In return my family is cared for... plus the whole star thing... I thought for a long time. The fox eagerly awaiting my decision.
"...and your sure that They won't have to worry about living on the streets ever again?"
"I will personally grantee it!"
"...and just to be clear... you will get my song... after I die?"
"I'm being very generous here, usually I give my clients limits, or warnings because they had a very bad habit of picking on forces they didn't understand... but for you, my dear, you get a lifetime warranty! As long as you don't do anything stupid to get yourself knocked off early, you shall live a full and fabulous life as a movie star!" The fox held up a paw towards me.
"So what do you say... do we have a deal, mortal?"
I was... scared to say the least. The air suddenly felt heavy. Was I really willing so sell my soul to this strange fox for this?
They were worth it.
My family was worth it.
I had decided, if this is how it has to be done, then so be it.
I will never let my siblings live on the streets again. I took his paw with my own hand.
"It's a deal"
The fox suddenly started to glow. It was so bright I had to cover my eyes with my free hand. I heard cheerful laughter and moments later the paw in my hand felt... different. Like I was shaking the hand of a human instead of a fox. The light had cleared and I opened my eyes, what I saw caused me to gasp.
Sitting across the table from me now was a fox-like man, a fellow shape like me! he was orange with pink jewelry just like the fox! He was wearing a robe and had six large, fluffy tails that were swaying back and forth, long hair that curled around his face, floating triangles that acted like ears and he had a small button fox nose, his eyes were sharp and piercing, but were enticing so you couldn't look away. The man gave me a sly, yet friendly grin. It was a look that almost took my breath away.
But...not from charms.
"A pleasure doing business with you darling~"
Run and I were starting to get worried.
My sister Crystal was out for a while, and this storm didn't even start to clear up. We had taken shelter under some stacked up crates but Run was shivering, and I could only keep her so warm myself.
"When's big sis going to get back?" Run asked while looking up at me. I opened my mouth to answer but closed it... I didn't know.
I didn't know where she was. She said she wouldn't be gone long. And now I'm worried she's gotten kidnapped or caught up in something and she won't come back and now I have to take care of Run but I'm just a kid I can't do that on my own and-
We heard footsteps quickly running in our direction. I looked out and saw her.
"Crystal!" Run cheered and ran out to greet her. Crystal smiled and hugged her and I soon crawled out to join her, I was already wet so I didn't care about more rain, I was just so happy my sister was safe!
"Sorry I took so long...I ran into someone" she says with an apologetic smile. I raised an eyebrow.
"Who's this someone then?"
"Oh that'd be me, darling" a mans voice called out in a sing-song tone. I looked over in surprise and standing at the entrance of the alleyway was a strange shape. He looked to be some kind of fox, Ive heard of animal like shapes before but I've never met one in person. His outfit was a long robe with pink beads decorating it in the shape of spirals. He smiled and walked closer to us.
"Why you must be Crystal's darling siblings she spoke so highly of, it's a pleasure to meet you both." He smiles sweetly, Run giggles happily at the charming stranger. Crystal picked her up and with one arm gestures to the man.
"Cogni, Run, this is Fox. He's uh..."
"I'm her new manager! I must say young Crystal has such natural talent it'd be a crime for me to let it go to waste!" He said with a smile. I was skeptical... how could my sister just happen to run into this guy? I didn't say anything though.
"Now then. I sure do hope you don't mind moving. I've got a condo out in the city, we can set up base there so we can get your lovely sister stared on her path to the big leagues!" Fox clapped his hand and I blinked in surprise. Wait, he just offered us a place to stay. Run gasps happily and giggles. "We get to stay at a fancy house? So cool!!!" Her eyes sparkle with joy. Crystal smiles as well. Fox walks behind us all and lightly pushed us along. "Yes yes! Now then, we've got no time to loose! I'm sure you would all love to get out of this dreadful weather." And just like that. Our lives were changed completely.
I don't know what chance of luck Crystal had to meet this Fox guy... but he gave her a high paying job and us a home.
I don't exactly trust the guy but...
Well at least we aren't on the streets.

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