A dark and stormy night

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They were yelling again
They always yelled.
Hyper tried to drown out the noise by turning up the volume in his earbuds. It didn't help much, but it was an effort. The blue shape only had music as an escape from the chaos at home. Though he wondered if he could drown it out much longer. He had always fantasized about running off somewhere far away. But I mean that's unrealistic, where would he go? And he would probably starve on the way. He sighed and covered himself with his bedsheets. Trying to sleep while the arguing continued.
Not long after a kid at school was talking about a new music artist. Well he was new to Hyper. They said his stage name was DJ New Fresh, but his real name was Blixer. They let hyper listen to one of his songs and he was hooked. That same day hyper used some of his money to buy an album he released. He stayed up all night watching videos of party's he appeared in. Hyper even tried to do some research on Blixer to see if he had any appearances nearby. Hyper was an instant fan. Over the next few weeks Hyper continued to listen to his songs. They helped drown out the pains at home. Made the pain a bit more tolerable. But it didn't go away. Though scrolling though a blog Blixer posts to be found out he had an upcoming concert in Paradise! It was a ways away but Hyper could make it! He had been saving up. He just needed to ask his parents to take him!
They didn't let him
In fact she was furious at him for his music tastes. Said this DJ was a bad influence. She even....
She even.....
Hyper was hurt.
In more ways then one. He locked himself in his room and cried.
He couldn't stay there.
He knew he couldn't. He tried to calm himself down
"C-come on Hyper, what would Blixer do? He's big and strong and- and he wouldn't take any of this." Yah, Yah that's right. "DJ Blixer wouldn't retreat when things get bad. He's strong and cool and awesome!" Hyper made up his mind. He grabbed his bag and his things, as well as his money and some spare candy bares he stashed away, climbed out the window, and ran off. It was raining but he was wearing his trusty hoodie. With 'Long Live the New Fresh' blasting in his mind he ran off. Following a map he pulled up on his phone. He was going to that concert, if it was the last thing he did.
It took him a while but he made it. He didn't care if he was exhausted and wet he made it! He was early too. So he sat down at a wall and put in his earbuds and played some music. He ended up taking a nap then and there. He was woken up by another shape shaking him. "Hey, hey kid, you up"
"Huh! Yah I'm up." He said groggily.
"You here for the concert?" The shape asked. Hyper nearly jumped. The concert! Did he miss it?
"Oh don't worry it hasn't started yet." Guess the woman read his mind. He seemed relieved. "In fact your early. Like a day early." Oh. Hyper looked at the floor embarrassed. Guess he would be staying here then.
"You should head home kid. It's better then waiting here all day."
Hyper froze, he couldn't go home. His parents would kill him! They would be furious with him. He started shaking. The stranger seemed to notice this and looked concerned. "You... have a home right?" Hyper didn't answer he just shook his head no. The shape in front of him thought, "well. You can stay with me and a friend until the concert. But I can't help you after that. Least not that I know of" hyper could take that. He smiled and thanked her.
"What's your name kid?" She asked while they walked.
"H-Hyper." He responded and the woman nodded.
"I'm Lunar Whale, just call me Luna." She gave a small smile. Hyper felt like he'd be alright.
They walked into a building that looked to be an apartment, luna put her bag down and yelled "Vinny! I'm home! And we got a guest so be nice!"

[aaaaa I lost interest in writing this so have it as is.
Bla bla bla Vinny adopts Hyper and it's all great!]

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