Lovania and Lilac

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She had gone exploring. It was some kind of journey of self discovery after all that's happened. Her family had left her, she had nothing to loose by going out. Though it was clear adventuring wasn't something she was made for when she ended up in some kind of crystal cave far from home. She saw the charred remains of a campfire and decided maybe that would be a good place to rest for now. She hadn't even started gathering wood when she had the feeling of being watched. She decided to ignore it for now. It wasn't until the fire was started and she could feel someone in the cave with her that she stared to get antsy. Despite her better judgement she decided to call out.
"Hello? Is someone there? It's alright if you come out... I don't bite."
Silence. And then
She jumped as a lilac pink construct pounced out of the darkness and onto a log across from her. The shape had a pointed head with several floating horns, and he had a punk rock outfit that clearly has been stitched fixed before, there were several holes in the outfit, and a fresh new hole on the side of his sleeve. Lovania jumped and the other cackled while grabbing a stick from the fire.
"YOURE FUNNY LADY! I LIKE YOU LETS TALK!" He yelled while gnawing on the charred stick. Lovania was taken aback by the fact the man in front of her was eating a flaming STICK. But she just fixed her seat on the ground and put her hands on her lap.
"Um, alright... sir? What would you like to talk about?"
"HMMMMM??" The other started while thinking. Before pointing the half eaten stick at her. "WHERE YOU FROM? YOU AIN'T FROM PARADISE THATS FOR SURE!"
Lovania did her best to remain composed. "You would be right. I am from the Azure Islands."
"I suppose..." they were both quiet for a moment before Lovania realized he was waiting for her to ask him something. So she thought and spoke.
"Uh who are you? And where did you come from?"
This got the guy to freeze for a moment "AW HELL DID I NOT DO BASIC INTRODUCTIONS?? MOTHER WOULD BE PISSY OVER THAT!" Mother? Was this man still living with his mom? Lovania didn't have too much time to think about it however before a half burnt stick was shoved in her face. "IM HORROR! IM FROM SOMEWHERE!" He gave a sharp toothed grin and she realized he wanted her to shake the stick like she would a hand in greeting. She hesitated but did so, thankfully the stick was cold now. "I'm.. Lovania. It's nice to meet you Horror."LOVANIA IS A CHEESEY NAME!" He laughed and she got embarrassed, but mumbled "well at least I'm not named after a genre..." she heard the man cackle louder. "YOU GOT ME THERE!" He took another stick from the fire and Lovania glared at him. "Could you please not eat sticks from my fire? If you want flaming sticks as a snack please make your own fire" though as soon as she said this she regretted it when Horror snapped his head and stared at her. Then cackled. "IT WAS MY TURN LADY! BUT I LIKE YER BITE!" He put he stick back and then asked. "EVER HEAR OF LILAC?" Lovania hesitated then nodded slowly. "I beleive so... I think I might have...." she trailed off, she hardly recalled her time under the influence of the foreign color. But what she did recall made her upset.
"WELL IF YA DID GET IT, IT WASN'T MINE! I WOULD HAVE RECOGNIZED A FUNNY LADY LIKE YOURSELF, LOVIE!" Horror's yell snapped her out of her thoughts. She just looked at him confused. "What do you mean you'd recognize me? I've never seen you before. And if I did I'm sure I'd recognize you." This caused him to laugh loudly. Lovania was even more confused now. "Wh-what's so funny?"
"TELL YOU WHAT!" He jumped closer to her causing her to lean away from his face. "YOU COME BACK HERE TOMORROW AND I'LL BRING MOTHER! THEY'RE BETTER AT EXPLAININ' THINGS THAN I AM! WE GOT US A DEAL, LOVIE?" Lovania thought for a while then slowly nodded. "Alright. I don't mind staying the night here but who is-"
"GREAT!" Horror jumped up and grabbed another stick from the fire before running off yelling, "SEE YA TOMORROW LOVIE!"
Lovania waited until she couldn't see Horror anymore before signing.
She had a headache.
The next day Lovania came back to the same spot. Though this time she bright a needle and thread with her. As well as more sticks just in case her stick eating acquaintance decided to snack again. She has just finished setting up the fire when the pointed shape returned in his spastic manner
Lovania looked over and saw another lilac colored shape next to Horror, this one was more blue in hue and had a heart shaped head. In fact hearts were everywhere on them. They waved.
"Helloooo..... arreee you.... Horrorrrrss frieeennnnndd?..." they spoke in a slow voice. Lovania was a little confused but it was much more preferable over yelling.
"I suppose so. I'm Lovania." She introduces herself and offered a hand, everything the heart shape did was slow in fact as they reached out and slowly lifted her hand up and down. "It's.... niceeee tooooo meet you... in.... persooonnn... I'm..... Mother..."
In person? "It's nice to meet you to-"
"Hoowwssss yourrrrrr..... sonnnnn doooooiiing?" Mother interrupted, causing Lovania to visibly pail. Horror noticed and shoved mother with his shoulder. "OI! DONT BE SCARING HER OFF!" Mother glanced at Horror and slowly nodded. "Oh!...riiiight... my appooooologies... Lovania...."
"I-it's Fine..." Lovania was shaken but decided to go sit down. Mother passed her to sit on the log across from her and Horror walked up to Lovania and, for once, didn't yell. "Don't mind Mother, they do that with everyone." Was he attempting to comfort her? Well whatever it was Lovania nodded and gave a small smile. "It's alright, I just wasn't expecting it" she took a deep breath then looked at Mother. "My son," she started "moved away several years ago... he hasn't contacted me since. I can't help but be worried, but I trust he is safe." Mother nodded when Lovania was done talking. "Thaattsssss goooddddd...."
Lovania shifted in her seat, pulling out the needle and threat. "Um, mind if I ask, are you and Horror related?" This caused horror to burst out laughing. Mother gave a smile, then said "more.... orrrt lesssss... we are.... bothhhh lilacccc constructsss" oh. Wait hold on. Lovania made a puzzled look. Lilac constructs. She was about to ask but then a booming voice called out
"HEY! What are you talking about!?"
Lovania looked back and-HOLY TREEANGLE THATS A LOT OF EYES. The lilac shape that approached was gigantic in size, he had a mix of different outfit styles but it somehow came together into something elegant, he had five floating horns of different shapes, but the eyes really freaked her out, he had three pairs of them. And they were looking at the campfire group, though when the new stranger spotted her he almost instantly closed all but two eyes. "What? We have a guest! And you didn't tell me?" He walked right up to Horror and sat down next to him. The pointed shape cackles. "OBLIVION! I THOUGHT YOU WERE BUSY?"
"Nope! I was just doing a thing but it's done soooooo" all the eyes roll, then focus onto Lovania, causing the smaller shape to tense.
"Hiya! What's your name stranger? I'm Oblivion obviously." He smiles and holds out a hand to her. He was very friendly for someone so scary looking. Lovania hesitantly took his hand and shook it.
"L-Lovania" she says quietly.

[ah my motivation died for this one. So it'll never be done. Oh well at least you get to see more of blixer Mom ^_^]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2019 ⏰

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