Chapter 6: The Shot

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While Bendy and Boris were walking away, Mickey, Donald and Goofy were sitting on a bench eating lunch and Mickey said, "Do you think he's ok?" Goofy questioned Mickey saying, "Who's he?" While eating Donald said with out caring, "None of your business Mick." Mickey Started to freak out and said, "Oh man, I knew I shouldn't have let him go like that. Who knows what would happen to him."

Donald tried to convince Mickey that he should not help Boris, then Mickey said, "Don't you remember how horrible my sister in law's loss was? If we had each other after that, he wouldn't!" Donald replied saying, "Well we're not taking care of 421 kids." (A/N That extra kid is Oswald)

A voice came with a name Tumsansy said, "Mickey, would you take care of Boris if Bendy dies?" He stood up and shouted saying, "OF COURSE!" Then Donald said to the voice, "Don't encourage him."


Bendy was washing up and Boris shouted saying, "COME ON BENDY! I need to get out before I start screaming!!" Bendy replied saying while washing his face, "Yeah, yeah, coming crazy mouse fan. A voice came with a mane Anon questioned saying, "Scream of what?" Boris replied happily and blushing, "OH, I don't know! I just met my biggest idol! And he hugged me, that's all!"

Bendy was putting on his glove and said, "Alright, Let's get the fan some chill pills..." Then someone grabbed him by the shirt and it was Cup. He smiled and said, "Did ya miss me?" Cup pointed his finger in a shape of a gun and was about to fire at him and said, "Don't worry it'll be quick and painless." Bendy quickly kicked him in balls which made Cup drop Bendy.

Bendy started to run and Cup fallen to his knees and said a little shaky, "You little... that's how you wanna play huh?" He pointed his finger at Bendy and fired at him, Bendy ducked in the nick of time. Then Boris was running with Mugs chasing behind him and he shouted Bendy's name and ran behind him. Bendy was a mess and that shot from Cups accidentally hit Mugs, when it did every one was shocked.

In Mugs eyes was fear, and everyone was scare. Cup held his head and collapsed he got closer to Mugs said his name. Mugs was badly injured and Cup said, "H-hang in there, let me just take you to..." Mugs was starting to close his eyes and Cup noticed and said, "Hey HEY, NO! Open your eyes! OPEN THEM NOW!" Cup picked up Mugs Boris walked up a little and said, "S-sir please let us h-help..." Cup started to laugh and said, "Hehe, HAHA! D-did I say your death was gonna be quick and painless?"

He turned his head, smiling, with his eyes glowing in a fiery rage orange, and said, "My bad! I meant that I'm gonna tear you limb from limb!" Bendy was Pulling Boris away from them and said, "Let's get out of here Boris, he's going crazy." Boris was starting to cry and said, "But... what about." He was interrupted by Bendy saying, "He'll help him out on his own it's not our problem." Both of them were running away from Cup a voice came with a name Fangirlisconfirmed said, "OMG BENDY YOU SHOULD RUN BEFORE HE DO SOMETHING TO YOU OR BORIS!"

Bendy was mad with that statement and said, "NO Shit! that's what we're doing!" Boris was crying and Bendy stopped and turned around and said in a pissed mood, "For the love of... Why are you crying Boris? They both deserve to die!" Boris replied back with his face covered in tears saying, "B-but they didn't seem all that bad, something or someone is making them do this, I just know it. The poor guy shot his own brother." Bendy grabbed Boris's cheeks and said, "Now where's my happy wittle wolfy?

Boris mumbled and Bendy said, "I can't hear you." Boris said more understandable, "Here I am." Then someone shouted Boris's name both of the looked where it came from and it was Mickey looking scared and said, "Are you crying?" Boris was blushing and stuttering saying, "M... M-Mr. Mickey!?" Mickey started to hug Boris and said, "Oh you poor thing. It's ok, I'll always be here for you." Boris did not know what to do and Donald said, "No you won't." A voice came with a name Lightning-dash-the-pirate-fox said, "Doesn't Mickey want to know how Bendy is doing too?"

Mickey thought to himself saying, "Sorry! I know this may sound harsh, but I don't want to get to attached to him..." Boris was smiling and noticed Mickey looking at him which he said, "Aww, I missed you too." Boris quickly stood up and started to lean on Bendy's head trying to look cool and said, "WASSUP! So, like what are you up to?" Mickey A tad bit confused said, "WE heard some loud noises so we just wanted to check. Good thing we did too."

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