Chapter 8: The Attempt

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After mickey left Bendy smiled and rested his head on his hand to keep it up and said, "Dude, I met THE Felix! He said he's gonna write a new book soon! I can't wait!" Boris smiled and said, "Looks like we both met our idols! this seems like a great day!" Then both oh them heard a door slam open and when hey looked it was Cuphead, and his eyes felt like death. Both of them froze in fear and got off of their seats and Boris in fear said, "M...Mister? is your brother ok?" Bendy was pulling Boris and said, " Borisss! Noooo! WE need to get out of here!"

««Outside now because why not»»

On days like this, birds are singing, flowers ar- *laser blast* Oh, were starting okay. The brothers ran out as fast as they can and Cuphead ran out after them laughing like a maniac. Cuphead's eyes are glowing orange with vengeance, wrath, sadness, and fear. The brothers hid behind a corner And Cuphead still laughing said, "There's no need to hide guuuys ♪, I just wanna fucking KILL ya that's all! And I'm gonna enjoy it." Cuphead started to get louder and said, "I'll find you! I always do! I'll make sure you NEVER REST, NEVER!!" His madness that would seemed to last forever turned into sadness.

He tried to say never again but he couldn't, then he put his hand on his face and fall onto his knees.

««A/N: This is the part you should skip, because this is a sensitive topic, so please skip this. I can't stop you from making the decisions you want. This is the final warning»»

His sadness and insanity was consuming him to the point where Mugs was there, but not. So he said shakily, "A-Alright Mugs l-lets split up, a-and you l-look over t-the r-right. N-N-No, my right you i-idiot!" His eyes fill up with tears, and started to laugh and said, " Yaaay! TEAM WORK!" Boris was about to help Cuphead, but Bendy stopped him and said, "I know what you're thinking bro, but I'm not gonna let you take such a risk! I'll check him myself" Boris a little scared said, "T-Thanks be careful though." Bendy looked around the corner and was horrified to see Cuphead's action.

Cuphead's head was down and his finger was pointed was at his head and it was ready to fire. Bendy ran at him, grabbed is arm and pulled it away and yelled saying, "What the hell do you think your doing? ARE YOU INSANE!?" Cuphead was crying and said, "W-who am I kidding? I'm the one who killed him. I'm the one who needs to die!" Bendy stood there not knowing what to say for a moment then said, "You know well that was an accident."

Cuphead still crying said, "My fault or not... An accident or not... Why should any of this matter? It's all over. It's either both of us or nothing." Cuphead put his face into Bendy's chest, and started to cry and said, "I just wish I could've told him that I loved him." Bendy hugged Cuphead's head and thought to himself, "I don't even want to imagine what he's going through. A world without Boris. I can't live in a world like that." Cuphead went silent and stopped moving and Bendy got scared and said, "A-Are you alright?"

Still holding on to Cuphead he turned to see his face, his eyes were closed and damp from the tears Bendy thought to himself, "He's still breathing.  I really thought he died for a second there! Seems like he didn't get any sleep ever since the accident." Boris walked up to Bendy and questioned, "B-Bendy is he alr-" Boris was cut by Bendy saying, "Yeah, he's just sleeping. Let's just find a comfortable safe place so we can leave him there, and we'll be on our way"

Boris was shocked and said, "Wait! We're leaving him!?" Bendy got a little mad and said, "Umm, duh! Why? You have another thing in mind!?" A voice came with a name Anon shouted at Bendy saying, "Don't leave a suicidal cup by itself!" Bendy calmed down and said, "We won't always be there for him and it's true,  he might kill himself again soo... if that's how it's gonna be..." Boris gasped and Bendy said, "I'm sorry Boris, there is no hope for him."

Anon came back and shouted, "Nooo!!! Bendy what's wrong with you!?" Bendy got aggrivated and said in a slightly loud tone, "Oh, don't start that shit with me now! Sure, he may seem harmless now, but who knows when he might snap on us again." Anon talked back in a worried tone, "Bendy look at him, he's broken." Bendy looked at Cuphead and saw that he is worn down, broken, sad, and lost. Bendy closed his eyes and said, "Please... don't make it more difficult for me. I'm just doing what's best for my brother."

««Time skip at a hospital»»

Bendy handed money to nurse Dovil and said, "Here you go miss, and please don't tell him about us when he wakes up." Dovil was confused and took the money and the boys left, and Anon asked Boris in a worried tone, "Are you alright Boris? You didn't seem to like that idea of leaving Cuphead like that." Boris replied in a depressed tone, "Bendy is right. It's just a big risk for us to bring him along. B-But it's just not fair."

««A/N: Sorry about the delay I will try to publish every week and my schedule is busy, so thank you for reading this book.»»

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