•La Push•

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My plane landed at like eight pm so i was exhausted, i came from Dallas, and the flight has been pretty long.

My cousins were going to host me, Seth and Leah Clearwater,

《hey lil cousin do you want a slice of cake that an our friend made?》I nodded at Seth smiling as he gave me the slice 《tomorrow we have to go to La Push with some friends wanna come?》 Seth asked

《I don't know Seth, if they don't like me?》 He just laughed 《I'm serious》i looked straight in his eyes 《uh okay, but you should come, Jacob one of those people, is kinda depressed because of his crush who don't feel the same way, and he'll be happy to know someone else's around》i nodded.

who the hell was Jacob now? Uh boys... who understands them? I onestly don't 《good night Kaylee... uh and don't be scared of Jacob he seems like older than a normal sixteen boy》 i smiled

《you don't seem like a fifteen boy either》 he shook his head and left my new room, i finished the wonderful piece of cake and I put my pyjamas on and i layed on my bed "that's the beginning of my new life" i thought while i was falling asleep.

I was waken up because of the sun shining outside, i yawned and stood up walking downstairs, Leah and Seth were already up

《hey Kaily did you sleep well?》 Leah asked, she seemed kind of happy, she was smiling 《hey Leah, yeah i slept well, but why are you smiling hard?》 I laughed 《oh nothing, is just...I'm happy you're here Kaily, i hope you will find answers to your questions》 i smiled at her 《i hope... but we weren't supposed to go to La Push today?》 I asked 《yeah, come on lets go》 Seth said walking outside.

La Push was a beautiful beach near the Quileute village, I used to come here when i was little. A group of like four boys and a girl was sitting on the sand around a little bonfire

《hey guys she's my cousin Kayleah Clearwater》 Seth spoke, all the people turned around to see me and they introduced themselves: Sam, Emily, Paul, Embry and Jacob the depressed one 《Hey sit down lady》 the depressed said with a little smile,his hair was short and black and his eyes were in a warm brown color, he was definitely hot oh my gosh, i did what he said and i took a seat near him, i talked with the boys for like two hours《wanna go swimming?》Jacob asked and all of us nodded. We walked to the sea but i strumbled and fell 《hey you okay?》 Jacob helped me up 《yeah thank you》 he picked me up and he thrown me in the water 《you... little bitch come here》 i said angrily he looked at me laughing 《sorry》he apologised as i shook my head laughing 《what should i do for you to forgive me?》 He said with a fake sad tone in his voice 《you should... oh gosh I'm not so cruel you are forgiven Jacob》I'm stupid? Yeah i know he smiled 《you are too kind Kay》 i laughed nodding my head not paying attention to the new nickname 《hey what are you two doing lovely birds?》 Paul asked 《oh uhm nothing much》 Jacob answered. 《What about Bella? You forgot her?》 Jacob was gettin angry 《don't mention Bella okay? I-I forgot her for a second》 oh right the problems with a crush i feel something in my stomach but i didn't pay attention as always, i only wanted to know who the fuck was the girl that would reject that precious guy 《who is she?》 I asked curiously 《the girl who's trying to ruin this hot boy right here》 Poul said i smiled 《Jacob you're a good boy, i think you will find someone better, no... I'm sure》he laughed, damn his laughter gosh what am i thinking? 《It's the time to go home Jake, bye Kayleah》Paul came near us and took Jacob's arm 《see you soon》i whispered when all the boys and Emily went away.
《Hey Kaily how was Jacob?》 Seth smirked coming near me 《he's a good boy》 i said hiding my red face.

《Ladies the lunch is ready!》 Seth yelled from the kitchen, i run downstairs, yeah i loved food, and i finished all in like two minutes 《hey hey you're fucking hungry》Leah laughed as i blushed 《Quil texted me, the boys already love you》i laughed at Seth 《well i love them too》 i said smiling.

《Hey Kaylee go wake Jacob up, he fell asleep》Paul said as i nodded like me? Jake? Oh i knocked at the door, a man opened that 《hey you must be Kayleah, come on in! I'm Billy Jacob's father》 He introduced himself 《hi uhm I'm looking for Jake, Paul said he was sleeping...》 he smiled at me 《yeah he's in that room》 he pointed to a white door, thanked him and opened it, Jacob wasn't covered by blankets even though that outside were like 47°F, but he looked so peaceful, and cute, i smiled and i walked near him 《Jacob, Jake we're going to walk around Forks wanna come?》 I smiled touching his hair 《hey Kayleah》 he smiled sleepily 《yeah I'm coming with you》 he standed up i was thinking how could he be so cute also in a sleepy mood. I looked around, there were some photos of him and a girl who i supposed she was his sister 《oh yes, she's my sister Rachel, so cute mh?》he said putting a hand on my shouder, i jumped a little , i whispered a "yeah" and we walked outside.
Seth saw us and run toward me and Jake 《ready to go?》 He asked and i nodded.

While we were walking Emily came near me, she had a big scratch on her face, she said that one day while she was in the forest a wolf did that to her. 《after that happened are you afraid of wolves?》 She smiled and shook her head 《no i love them》
I smiled back, i had a new friend, good.

When we came back at home it was time of go to sleep, we had dinner in a restaurant earlier. I went bed and i fastlh fell asleep.

Hey Cookies I'm sorry if there are two same chapters but wattpad did that and i don't know how to solve this problem lol help me

Have a nice day -Fra🇮🇹

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