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My fever had passed and i became closer with Jasper Cullen, he wasn't Jake, but i considered him like my best friend, he always said that i should've asked Jacob out but i refused every time, i mean, i didn't like him and he didn't like me either

《hey hey Kayleah how are you?》 I smiled at Jasper 《I'm fine Jas》 i answered sitting on Cullens sofa

《how's going with Jacob?》 He asked 《i don't know... i mean he doesn't really talk to me these days 》 i said sadly, Jacob was hiding something from me, he always seemed worried and quiet

《maybe he's only afraid of asking you out》 Jas said laughing, i rolled my eyes and looked at my clock 《I'm sorry Jasper i gotta go, see you tomorrow 》i left and went to Jake's home.

He opened the door 《Kay》 he whispered 《Black, we need to talk》 i said firmly, 《yeah i know...》 he looked straight in my eyes and put his hand on my forehead

《i-i think... the fever is coming back》i was getting angry 《i don't care Jake! You didn't talk to me in five days, i was worried!》 I said almost yelling

《calm down Kay》 he said calmly 《How can you be so calm after you ignored me for f i v e days?》 okay now i yelled,

i felt my skin burning, my bones started hurting 《Jake what's- ahh》 i yelled in pain, my bones were... breaking 《KayKay shhh it's okay》he brushed my hair with his hand and he took a few steps away from me, only a few seconds and i became a huge white wolf, all around me was more clear. Jake was brushing my fur

《you are a beautiful wolf Kay》 he smiled at me but in my head were flying a lot of questions how can i be a werewolf? Why me? And why did Jacob seemed so... he seemed like he knew. and how can i be again a human? I asked myself

《you must focus on your human form...》 Billy talked 《but first take that and go behind a tree》 he gave me a pair of shorts and a Jake's t-shirt and i did what he said,

when i phased back i was naked so i fast put the shorts and the t-shirt on. I went back to Jake suddenly i didn't felt the earth under my feet anymore, it wasn't gravity holding me it was... Jacob, i felt like my only goal in the life was protecting Jacob, oh my god what's happening?

《Uhm Kayleah can i talk to you》said Billy i nodded and went inside 《what was tha-》 Billy interrupted me 《you imprinted on my son Kayleah》 i was confused impr- what? 《Hell what?》 I asked and he looked at me 《did you felt like Jake was holding you and not the gravity anymore?》 He asked and i nodded 《you guys are soulmates》 he said hugging me, i was still confused but i didn't care... it was like i knew i was going to pass my entire life with my crush so... i shook my head smiling

《uh and your father called in the morning... oh right, Jonathan was my best friend when i was younger and i have still contact with him》 what? My father? 《Honey he said he's gonna be here the next hour》 i repeat: what?

《Yeah and your brother is with him, your mom is coming tomorrow》 Billy said before going out, i followed him 《hey Kay...》 said Jacob smiling, i smiled back 《so you are a werewolf...》 he said as i nodded 《come here Wolfie》 he said pulling me in a thight hug 《so you are not scared mh》 i said and he smiled 《nope》.

After all what happened that day i went back to Leah and Seth and only a few moments later the doorbell rang i went to open the door 《hey Honey hi》 my father said and i smiled, my big brother was near him and was smiling at me

《you grew a lot in two months babe》 said Michael 《you didn't》 i said laughing 《come in, Leah and Seth are in the kitchen》 i continued letting them in 《uncle Jon, Mike!》 they yelled hugging my father and my brother 《 you grew up a lot since the...》 my dad interrupted he was going to say "funeral" but he shut up 《uh and about you Kay... i heard you got to know Jacob》 said my dad and i nodded 《i know it sounds weird but you two played together when you were three》 oh and now all my childhood memories came in my head

I was four years old. We went back to Forks for five days and me, my big brother and Jake were playing in La Push, we were running in the sand 《Kaylee you are slow!》 My brother said 《I'm not so sl-》 i interrupted when i fell on the ground 《Oh no KayKay are you okay?》a baby Jacob asked 《my knee is bleeding》 i said almost criyng, Jake picked me up bridal style and put me down near my dad 《KayKay fell and her knee is bleeding Jon》 my father smiled at Jake and then at me 《it's okay Kaylee go swimm honey》 he said kissing my knee 《Kayleah are you okay》 Michael said kissing my cheek and i nodded
-end flashback-

I didn't know how could i forgot that moments but i remembered now and that was important

《now i remember! Jake the one who was always worried about me》i laughed

《and you had a huge crush on him》 said Mike as i roll my head blushing 《Oh and You still like him》 he continued and i punched him jokingly 《i don't like him》 i said while Mike was laughing

《okay okay guys stop. Mike, uncle Jon if you want you can sleep here, but we have only an empty room so.. Mike you can sleep in Kay's room》 said Leah and they nodded.

We had dinner and then we went to our room, i divided my large bed in two and i layed on my part 《i know you phased mh》 Michael said how- oh whatever

《yeah, but why...》 i asked and he looked at me 《it means that a new vampire is in town》 i looked at him in shock 《yeah it's weird but werewolves are meant to destroy vampires, you know the legends...》 i smiled《have you ... uhm... imprint yet?》he asked and i nodded my head looking away

《i imprinted on Jake》 i said causing Mike a big smirk on his face 《i knew that you were meant to stay together》his smirk became a big smile 《i ship you guys.》

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