•big sis•

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Bella's pov
《Jacob don't think about me! Kayleah is barely breathing 》i said with anger seeing that he wasn't paying attention to the girl, he turned around to help her 《KayKay hey!》 He said while she was opening her eyes 《Hey Jake?》 She coughed, they stared at each other's eyes and i perfectly knew what was going on. Jake imprinted on Kaylee. I felt a little bit jealous but their eyes looking at each others that went away, they'd make a great couple.

《Hey Bells, are you okay?》 Jake asked 《I'm great, and you Kay? Are you okay?》 She nodded sadly.

《Okay girls I gotta go》 said Jacob kissing Kay's forehead and then my cheek.

He left me and Kayleah on the sand 《see Bella? He doesn't really care about me, i know it's selfish but he's always around you》 i smiled 《I'm sure he will take you to the homecoming party next week》 i said 《how are you so sure?》 She asked making me giggle 《Kay he kissed your forehead as he wanted to protect you from everything If he doesn't take you he's such a stupid boy》 we laughed 《i know, i mean he's a little bit stupid, but i like him a lot, his chocolate brown eyes his lips, his abbs, he's perfect》 Kay said making me smile, she deserved to be happy with him, and she loves him, she really do.

Kay's P.O.V
《Hey Bells thank you for today》 i said pulling her in a big hug 《consider me like your big sis Kay, you can tell me everything okay?》 I smiled and nodded my head 《see you this afternoon girl》 she said and then she left.

《Hey Kay how was your day?》 Asked Leah 《it was good, Bella is coming to our house at three 》 i said walking upstairs, i saw Leah a little disappointed but i guess it was nothing.

After i had lunch i waited Bells to come.
At like three o'clock someone knocked at my door, i smiled thinking that it was Bella . But it was Jake 《hey Kay, can i talk to you?》 I nodded letting him in 《i only wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me》 he said 《where are we supposed to go?》 I asked 《near Port Angeles there is a little Quileute shop, and i wanted to take you there》 i nodded but then i remembered, Bella was going to come at my house 《Wait can Bella come with us?》 I asked and he gave me a "yeah" then he stared again in my eyes, like he did this morning and yesterday in La Push.

《Tomorrow we have school》 said Jacob while we were looking at some dresses in the shop right next to the Quileute ome《i can pick you up 》 he said 《thanks Jake》 i smiled at him 《hey Jacob, Kay!》 Bella called us 《I think that's perfect for You Kaylee》Bells picked up a beautiful yellow dress 《Bella, I'm not a senior, i can't wear it for the prom》 she smiled not so convinced.

We went home and we stayed in my bedroom for all the time.

《Hey Kay, I have to go home, Bye Bells》Jacob left, i felt empty, it was like i couldn't live without him "oh please don't be ridiculous you met him two days ago" i thought.

Also Bella left.

But my mind was full of Jake.


This is so short omg kill me


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