•past coming back•

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《Rachel?》 I and Jacob said at the same time 《yeah》 she laughed and hugged us

《Jake, you've finally win your KayKay over》i laughed at what Rach said 《i think i loved your brother before he started loving me》 i said 《i don't think so》 said Jacob

《stop staring at each other! Jake just kiss her 》 said Rachel pushing me against Jake as he pressed his lips on mine again

《i think I'll go to sleep now. Good night Jake, night Rach》 i kissed Jake on the cheek and i went to Jake's room and i layed on his bed.

after some moments Jake came in the room《i know you're awake KayKay》he said and i giggled

《are you ready for tomorrow?》 He asked laying down with me 《yeah》i said 《now sleep. I love you》jake kissed my forehead 《good night Jake》 i didn't say "I love you" back just because i didn't felt ready.

That night i had a dream about my childhood with Jake.

I was four and i was spending the summer in Forks, Billy asked me if i wanted to sleep with Jake at his house but my father said no 《But Daddy! 》 i said sadly 《No buts Kayleah》 he said firmly 《oh come on Jon she'll be okay, no bad men are around. And wolves ar protecting the area》 Billy said brushing my hair 《i love wolves, i want to be a beautiful wolf when i get older》 i said smiling uncontrollably 《fine baby girl. See you tomorrow》.
I slept in Jake's bed also with Rachel. 《Kaylee Jake kissed Bella on the cheek but now he regret that》 Rach said making me cry, i was so sad about that 《oh no no no KayKay don't cry, i love you》 said Jake hugging me with a sad face 《good night》 i said sighing , i fell asleep some moments later still hugging Jake.
End dream-

《Good morning Beauty》said Jake kissing me 《Jake i want to sleep》he laughed 《i made pancakes》 as he said that i was already in the kitchen eating those pieces of heaven

《Hey! leave me some》 Jake said stealing my plate full of pancakes 《Jake! You are cruel》 i tried to get back what was mine, but he was way too much taller than me

《you are too short babe》 he said and i frowned 《give me my pancakes Jake》 i said trying again 《fine》 he laughed and then he gave me back the plate

《what was that guys?》 Rachel said sitting near me 《Jake stole my pancakes》 i cried out《she wouldn't give me any》 Jake said in defence

《dad they always been like that?》 Rach asked to Billy who was coming in the room on his wheelchair《they act like that since the beginning》 he laughed as i blushed. We had breakfast and then we went at the Cullen's .

《I think there's a new vampire around》 Jake said putting an arm aroud my waist in reassurance 《what?》 Alice said 《i didn't see anything》 she continued

《but Kaylee phased, and if someone phase it means that there's a new vampire around here》 Jacob said again still keeping me near him 《shit》 i heard Jasper saying 《what?》i asked 《just... that means we have to fight》 he answered

《oh Kaylee don't worry we'll be okay》 Bella said hugging me.《come with me... oh Jake don't worry we'll be back in a moment》 she said noticing a worried look in Jake's face.

Bella took me upstairs. 《Are you and Jake dating?》 She smiled at me 《kinda? Yeah last night he kissed me a lot of times, but we aren't officially dating 》 i said smiling back

《you love him since forever and he do too. I remember when we were playing together and he alwayl talked about you, now he imprinted on you... you are meant to be soulmates and I'm very happy for you》she hugged me again.

We went back downstairs 《hey who's on patrol tonight?》 Carlisle asked and Jake froze 《Leah, Sam and I》I said taking Jake's hand 《oh God Kay you're not going 》 he said and i shook my head 《Jake please I'll be okay》 i said firmly, he frowned but didn't talk

《stay safe cute dog》Jasper said hugging me. We stayed there for other two hours and then we went to my home, only my mom and Michael were there

《hey Jake nice to see you》 my mom said and Jake smiled at her 《is Kay a good girl?》 She asked and he nodded 《 she's stubborn but yeah she's good》he said kissing my head

《you guys are adorable》 said michael making me smile 《i ship you 》 he continued and i laughed 《tonight i won't be at home before one or two a.m. don't worry about me, I'll be okay》 i said and they nodded with a worried face.

《Hey sam what should i do?》 I asked Sam 《just phase and go check if some bloodsucker is there. if something happens just call us okay?》 He answered hugging me

《good luck Moon》 he said as i phased running in to the wood, i ran and ran when i smelt a weird thing

《hey there wolf》an apparently normal man said, but i knew he was a vampire, i attacked but he stopped me, throwing me on the ground 《you have the gift mh?》 He said and i shook my head in confusion

《you are the white wolf, you are the most powerful wolf and you have gifts》 he made me also more confused if that was possible STOP PLEASE IM NOT SPECIAL i yelled in my head

《My name is Nash stupid dog remember that》 the bloodsucker said throwing me on the ground again. That hard that all went black, really black....

Hey I'm sorry i don't like this chapter so much anyways... my neighbours have the tv volume so high omg i want to kill them bye.

I love you

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