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I was quite scared about the training with the vampires cause I knew the wolves weren't on good terms with them.

My stomach started hurting a little, cause Jake hadn't arrived yet. I i had been trying to focus on something else -like Bella being selfish- when the pack arrived, I smiled at them.

"You don't have to fight Kay" jacob had said trough my mind "I want to do this Jake, I love you" I said back.

They started practicing, all of the pack was watching.
They started with Jas and Emmett then Edward and Carlisle 《never turn your back to your enemies》Jasper had said after Carlisle won. I had closed my eyes when Jake came near me, staying very close to me.

It went on with Rose and then Alice and Jas
They smiled at each other and kissed.

《Now if you wolves don't want to fight... we can also leave...》 Jas had smirked before he said that 《I volunteer》 I said stepping closer to them.

《Fight me》 Jasper said 《of course》 I smirked and phased.
I attacked , Jas hit me making me fly up in the air, when I touched the ground I felt lot of pain, -i could tell Jake growled- but I still stood up on my paws, and while Jasper was being distracted by Alice I attacked again and won.

《Good job Texan girl》 Jasper said 《it's all for today... see you》 and so the vampires left.

I phased back behind a tree... the only problem was... I didn't have my clothes... and like Leah heard my thoughts -thing that could have happened- she appeared with a pair of shorts and a hoodie. We went back to the pack, they were still in their wolf forms.

Jacob stepped closer "I can't take it I have to kiss my beautiful imprint" then he phased back, in front of my face. I blushed "focus on his face. Focus on his face." I repeated it on my mind like five times.... I was only sixteen and I still wanted my poor eyes... you know what I mean.

Jake stepped closer making my skin burn, 《you have to see me like this one day, you know?》he smirked 《for now I'm okay》 I jokingly punched his chest.

All of the boys were laughing in my thoughts 《didn't you have to kiss a certain someone?》 I asked, he leaned over and kissed my lips. 《Oh and go put something on.. or I will give up and see what I don't really want to see okay?》 He laughed and kissed my cheek, then he disappeared in the woods.

《I hope we don't become uncles too early 》 Paul said making me blush 《Paul! I hate you》Leah laughed, i smiled at myself, Leah rarely laughed, and whenever she did she was really beautiful.

We walked back home, well Sam's home.
Emily was waiting for us and when she saw Sam she ran to kiss him 《I was worried》she had said before Sam started kissing her again.

I felt someone hugging me from behind 《did you miss me?》Jake talked, I laughed at him 《Jacob you've seen me twenty minutes ago》he laughed too and kissed me.

We went inside.

《I'm worried for the battle, a lot》 I said 《Kay you can always stay with Bella, me and erm the bloodsucker 》 I shook my head 《I want to fight》 I said.

《I can't decide for you but, please come with me, I can't lose you》 I just shrugged my shoulders and nodded.

The next day I went with Jasper, Edward, Bella and Jake to the mountains.
The vampires had a plan.
Me, and Bella will go with Jake up the mountain, cause my and Jake's scents were going to cover hers.

《Your stink- I mean scent will cover Bella's I mean vampires won't follow your- okay whatever》 Edward said. Honestly I didn't understand anything, well I understood he was saying that we don't have a good odor.

《Oh please you are the ones who don't have a good scent》 Jake snapped out 《please Jacob stop》 I said and he smiled at me and picked Bella up 《eau du wolves for the lady》 and with that and a dirt look from Edward we ran off.
The plan worked.

After all of that we went home 《are you ready?》 Jake asked 《I'm always ready》

Sorry If I haven't uploaded anything for a long time but hey! New chapter for Jake's birthday🎊🎊♥️


Honey •Jacob Black•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora