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After that night Jacob and i became closer, he told me about his life, about his mother who died when he was nine and other stuff like that.

I caught a fever that day at the Homecoming and after five days the fever didn't go away so Jake stayed with me all the time

《hey how are you?》 He said coming in my room 《 I'm feeling like I'm dead and i want to punch someone》 i said honestly, his eyes went wide and he just laughed

《if i sit down with you, you will punch me?》 i shook my head laughing

《I'm here for a reason... Carlisle Cullen wants to see you, i told him about your fever and he didn't like the situation》 he said sadly, i nodded my head 《come here 》 he picked me up in bridal stile.

I hesitated but i put my arms around his torso.

《Kayleah right?》 A blonde man asked, i nodded still in Jake's arms, he put me down

《hey I'm sorry for what Bella said to you some weeks ago, you don't seem so bad》 a guy talked, from the description i recognised him like Edward Cullen he seem not so bad too 《I'm sorry for how i called you Edward》

he nodded and looked at Jake who was holding me tight. Carlisle visited me, he said that something was going to happend and i was going to find that out soon.

《Hey I heard you come from Dallas》 Jasper said while jacob was talking with Carlisle, i was sitting on the sofa《who said that to you?》 I asked laughing

《Jacob, He told us all about you, God he was annoying》 Jasper talked i smiled《I'm from Texas too by the way》 he continued

《really? Wow, i mean, why are you here?》 I knew that Carlise wasn't Jasper's real father but Texas was so far from Forx

《Hey Kayleah》Alice said before kissing Jasper 《Jacob is worried about you and your fever, he's like praying Carlisle to give you something for making you feel better》 she continued, smiling at me

《i think he's just trying to be polite with me》Alice shook her head and Jasper smiled 《i can tell he's trying to be more than a friend to you》 he said 《best friend?》 I knew he was trying to say "boyfriend" but whatever

《kinda》he said laughing 《why don't you ask him out?》Alice asked making me blush 《what? No! I don't like him》 Oh come on! No one will believe that

《it's not true, you know that》 i just nodded my head laughing at what Alice said 《i don't know... what if he doesn't feel the same way?》 Alice looked at me like "are you serious?" 《He loves you more than you think》 Jasper said looking at Jake who was smiling at us.

Suddenly i didn't felt the earth under my feet anymore, all was getting black and my head started to hurt, the last thing i heard before falling in the dark was Jacob, Alice and Jasper yelling my name.

《Hey Kayleah, i know you can hear me,
wake up please you are worring Jacob, a lot》i recognised Alice's voice, but before that moment i couldn't open my eyes

《Kaylee, wake up, please, the fever is getting worse, and... i don't want to lose you》it's Jacob, please stupid me wake up i tried to open my eyes once again and this time my eyes opened

《Jacob》 i whispered, he looked at me and smiled 《hey, how are you feeling?》 He asked whispering 《like a dead girl, but I'm happy you are here》i said honestly 《I'm happy you are alive》he said smiling.

《How long did i stay here?》 I asked calmly 《like three hours》he answered kissing my forehead 《 Kay You gave me a fucking heart attack》 he laughed aww he was really worried about me

《 I'm sorry, i don't know what is happening to me, this fever is like horrible》 i smiled and he smiled back 《I'll go call Carlisle, don't move Kay》 he said and i nodded while he was leaving.

Carlisle visited me again, all the Cullens went in the room... Bella stopped, listening to Edward who was whispering something in her ear laughing

《oh and Edward is tired of Jake's thoug- of jake saying he's worried about you》 she laughed 《uhm... Bella can you keep these things for you?》Jacob said Awkward, he helped me up and i giggled

《we got annoyed by this Jacob boy, really. but I'm happy you're alive Texas girl》 Jasper said hugging me, i smiled 《 back off 》Jacob said taking me between his arms

《hey weirdo he's my friend... i guess》 Jasper smiled at me 《yeah yeah... you can consider me like that》 i laughed 《fine... don't do anything stupid Kay, Carlisle said you can go back home... Seth and Leah are worried》he smiled at me

《thank you guys, i love you》 i said, i left some minutes later when i head back home

Leah was laying on the sofa and Seth was eating a sandwich 《hey Seth, hi Leah》 i said awkwardly 《Kayleah we were so worried, Jake said you fainted, are you okay?》 Leah asked, i nodded 《yeah, im getting better》

we had dinner and i went to my room, my eyes went heavy and i was going to fell asleep if Jake didn't wake me up

《Jake what are you doing here? And how did you enter?》 I asked sleepy 《the window was open and i only wanted to say good night》he said smiling at me 《good night Jacob》 i said annoyed 《night Kayleah》 with a jump he went off the window.

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