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That day'd arrived, we were finally fighting, well, I and Seth weren't exactly going to fight because we had to babysit Selfish Bella and Sparkles, yes I'd agreed with Jacob on the fact that it was better for me to stay away from the battle.

We walked hand in hand. Jake held my hand and while some meters behind us walked Edward and Bella
I could feel Jacob's gaze burn on my skin.
《What?》 I snapped him out from his trance 《nothing I'm just worried, and you're beautiful as always》I felt my face heat up 《shut up》 he chuckled.

We arrived at the place and set up the tents.

I and Jake waited in our tent for the night.
《I have to tell you something》 he'd said with an extremely serious look, I on the other hand was probably looking worried, "what the fuck did he do now?" I thought.

《Yes?》 I almost whispered 《I-I kissed Bella, some time ago》 my heart shuttered but I decided to react like a mature person *note the sarcasm* 《You did what Jacob? You freaking kissed Bella! I AM YOUR IMPRINT NOT HER》I hissed

He looked at me with guilt《I'm sorry it was a mistake》 he whispered. 《Are you trying to convince me or youself?》 I said. He just looked away. I lied down and turned around not wanting to show Jake the tears that were forming in my eyes.

《Are you okay?》 He asked gently 《Shut the fuck up, speak to my hand》I showed him my left hand.

《I'm so sorry honey, I love you but I have to understand what I feel for Bella》I ignored him.
《I'd reject you as my imprint but my guilt would fill even my butt》 I said and he leaned over to kiss me, I slapped him on the face.

He gasped in pain.《it's dark uhmm, we should sleep》 he said as I closed my eyes sighing,  《I'm sorry if I always make mistakes baby, I love you》was all I heard before falling asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night, Bella was shaking and i could feel it from my tent.
I stood up, Jake wasn't there so I guessed he was with her, obviously.

I walked to the other tent and opened it showing Jake hugging Bella to warm her up.
I couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous.

《Kayleah》 he sighed《why didn't you wake me up? I could've warmed up this tent a little more》 his smile dropped when he saw my serious face 《you looked so peaceful, I didn't want to disturb you》.

I fell asleep again, uncomfortably on the ground. When I woke up all of them were already up so I went outside, only Edward was there looking sad. 《Wassup Ed?》 I asked him 《look there》 he said, I looked around until I understood, Jake was kissing Bella, tears came down on my cheeks.

I ran away ignoring Jacob calling my name.

I ran into something. 《Well well well, the famous white wolf》 it said, well he said. Riley. 《Look I'm not in the mood, I just want to kill you》 I said before phasing.

I attacked first knocking him down. But he stood up quickly 《I won't kill you, you're important for them》 he said 'he has a heart' I thought 《but I'll hurt you anyway.

He knocked me down so hard that I completely blacked out, Sam found me when I woke up.

《Jake wants to speak to you before we fight》 he said 《aw his smart ass feels bad?》 He shook his head 《seriously Kay, you two need to talk》

Jacob approached me 《I feel so sorry Kay》 he simply said 《stop talking, I'm trying to move on》

He grabbed my wrist holding it so tight that it hurt.
《Stop acting like a bitch Kayleah, you're getting on my nerves》I sighed.

《Jacob, you're hurting me》 I whispered in pain. His wolf strength took over.

He looked at me with guilt before leaving me there alone.

I stayed there my left hand holding my wrist. Some tears streamed down on my face.

I walked in the woods for so long... that I found myself in la push village.

I spotted the pack and Billy in front of Jake's house, and obviously Bella's truck.

I walked toward them ignoring the jealousy.

《What happened》 I asked, Leah looked guilty 《I could've done it》 she said earning a glare from the others.

《WHAT HAPPENED?》 I yelled, I could feel Jacob was hurt and that hurt me too.
《Jake got hurt, trying to save Leah from a leech》 Jared spoke.

I looked at Billy

《Billy how are you?》 I kneeled down to face him 《good I guess. You kid?》 I smiled at him 《I will kill that ass》 he smiled back and said 《good to know daughter》 that made me giggle, he always called me daughter even though I wasn't.

The Bella came outside 《Jake is asleep》 she said, I groaned 《can I see him?》 I asked Sam and Billy fighting the urge to kill Bella《he has to rest okay? You can go later》 Sam smiled.

I sat on the ground, near Billy, and never left his side.
When Carlisle came out from Jake's room 《kay I think you have to go to him. He's saying your name in his sleep》 he said, I nodded and ran inside.

When I reached Jacob's side I heard him call my name, well... screaming it.
I sat near his bed and pecked his lips.
I just couldn't be mad at him right now, he's hurt, I'll slap him when he gets better.

Suddenly his eyes shot open 《Kay, Kay please let me explain, I- 》 I interrupted him by kissing his forehead 《calm down Jacob》 I said smiling 《I kissed her for two reasons number one, she asked me and number two, to finally know what I feel. Kay I feel nothing for her but affection, in a friend way. I love you. And only you》 I giggled 《I know but I'm still mad at you》 he laughed 《what did I do to deserve you?》


his chapter has been edited♡

I don't think I will continue this story.
If you want me to, please give me a good reason.


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