2- A School of Magic

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After Percy left the pavillion, chaos broke lose. People were shooting questions back and forth in hope to find some justice about this situation. 

"Percy and Annabeth broke up?!" 

"Do you think Percy'll go out with me?"

"Does this mean Percy's up for grabs?"

I rolled my eyes got up off the ground. I brushed off my pants then left the very chatty dinnig pavillion. I made my way to my cabin for a nap, but I was stopped by a hyperactive latino.

"Heya Nico!" Leo said excitedly. "Chiron wants you in the Big House pronto."

I nodded and changed course for the Big House.


When I got there, I saw Percy sitting down on one of the couches. He changed clothes since dinner time. Now he was wearing faded blue jeans and a bright orange camp t-shirt. I walked into the room and leaned against the wall, waiting for Chiron to tell me what he needed.

"Hey Nico?" Percy said questionablly. 

I looked oer in his direction and saw him staring back at me. "Yeah."

Percy sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I just wanted to say sorry. About Annabeth. She's not taking the break up so well I guess."

Inside, my heart was exploding. Percy Jackson is apologizing to my for his EX-girlfriends behavior. Oh my gods! I had to keep my cool so he wouldn't think I was crazy, so I nodded. "It's fine Percy. It's not your fault."

Percy looked at me. I could see how upset he was about this. "I know, but I just, I don't understand why she keeps blaming you! If she hurts you it'll be my fault Nico! I could never forgive myself for that."

I knew Percy was gonna be bugged about this all day, so I did what any gloomy child of Hades would do. I rolled my eyes at him. "Seriously Jackson. I'm fine. Now drop it cause knowing you, you're gonna be worried about this all day and I can't have you apologizing to me all day."

A smile found its way to Percy's face. He held his hands up in the surrender gesture and laughed. "Alright, alright. Just one more thing."

I sighed. "What?"

"Do you forgive me?" 

I put my hand to my chin to make it look like I was thinking. "Hmmm. Well I guess I could forgive you this time."

"Really?!" Percy was beaming.

I chuckled. "Yeah Percy. I forgive you."

Percy got off the couch he was on and ran up to me. He embraced me into a hug. My heart fluttered in my chest and started beating ten times faster. Percy Jackson was hugging me. Not gonna lie. I loved it. Percy's arms were so warm and homey. He smelled like the sea on a warm, sunny day. When he let go, I felt cold and alone again. 

"Thanks Neeks." He said as he walked back to the couch. 

I frowned. "Don't call me that."

The older boy laughed at me. "Whatever you say Ghost King."

I was about to retort, but Chiron chose this moment to walk in. 

"Hello children." He greeted. "I have some news from Lady Hecate. She has requested that you two travel to her pet world and help with some of the minds that have been affected during the war." Percy bolted up from his seat and was about to yell, but Chiron kept tallking. "Now before start screaming and shouting, this quest is not dangerous, and Lady Hecate says you can not refuse."

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