5- Diagon Alley

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I shadow traveled Percy and I to Diagon Alley in no time. Luckily it wasn't that far from our house, so It didn't drain a lot of my energy. As soon as my vision cleared a little, I saw how beautiful this place really was. The shops were clumped together and there were several people walking around.

"C'mon." Percy said as he grabbed my hand. "We have to look around before getting new robes. This place is amazing!"

I sighed but still nodded my head to show that I agreed. Percy practically beamed when I said yes because before I knew it I was being dragged around Diagon Alley by a very excited Percy Jackson. That's when I realized he was holding my hand. Oh my god oh my gods oh my gods! Percy Jackson was holding my hand right now. I felt my the butterflies in my stomach begin to flutter.

Percy and I walked around everywhere looking at who knows what. The whole time my hand was in his. After about a few hours of looking around, Percy's stomach let out a loud growl.

Percy chuckled. "Guess we should get some lunch."

I nodded. "Yeah follow me. I saw a place that serves lunch up here." I pointed to my right and Percy nodded and let go of my hand. His face beginning to look a little red. I was a little disappointed when he let go, but I didn't let my expression show it.

I began walking in the direction of the lunch place and Percy followed. It didn't take long to get there. Once we got there I saw Percy's face light up and he walked into the restaurant. I followed behind him. When I walked in, I saw he already had a table and a menu.

I rolled my eyes but joined him all the less. "So what are you getting Perce?"

He set down his menu and smiled at me. "The chicken basket with 'chips' as they call them." He made air quotes around the word chips.

I grabbed his menu and skimmed over it. The words were a little hard to read, but I did make out something called Bacon and Butty. It was pretty much a bacon sandwich.

A waiter came over a smiled at us. "'Ello I'm Tom. What can I get you today?"

Percy smiled widely at the man. "Can I have the chicken and chips with a coke. And is there any way you can make the food blue?"

Tom nodded and turned to me. "And for you?"

"May I have the bacon and butty please with some water to drink." I tried to sound polite and I saw Percy hold a hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter. I just shot a glare his way.

Tom smiled and nodded again. "Your order should be out in about ten minutes."

Once Tom walked away, I turned back to Percy who was now silently laughing at me. "Oh ha ha ha. Laugh it up, Jackson. "I spat.

Percy wiped the tears from his eyes. "Sorry Neeks, but that was just too funny! Who knew you could be so polite?"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. "You do know I was born in the 1930s right? Back when manners were forced upon children."

Percy just laughed harder. I sighed and waited for the food to arrive so we could get these robes and go home.


"Well, that was good." Percy said as we walked out of The Leaky Cauldron. "Now where is that robe shop?"

I shrugged and began looking around. It was really hard to read signs with our dyslexia, but I saw something that looked to be a robe shop. I tugged on Percy's arm then pointed to what I saw. "Hey, Percy look."

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