19- The Burrow Pt. 1

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I can't believe Ginny! How could she just invite those blokes to the Burrow like that?! I sighed and stormed to the train that was leaving for home. 

I had already packed all my belongings and was heading towards the train with Ron and Hermione behind me. Ginny was busy chatting it up with her new friends so she didn't bother leaving with us.

"I can't believe Ginny would do this." Ron said angered. 

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it makes no sense!" 

I heard Hermione sigh from behind me. "Don't you see guys! Now we have a chance to question then some about being death eaters."

I smirked. "Good thinking Mione."

We loaded the train and discussed a plan on how to get them to spill their secrets. 


"Harry! It's so good to see you!" Was the first thing I heard when entering the Burrow. I smiled and hugged Mrs. Weasley. The woman was honestly like a second mother to me. 

"'Ello Molly," I said still smiling. 

"Have you eaten since leaving the school?" She asked and when all there of us shook our heads no she sighed. "Let me go prepare some lunch then. Do you know what time your sisters getting here with her friends Ron?"

Ron scowled. "No mum." 

Mrs. Weasley nodded and headed off towards their small kitchen to make us lunch.

At that moment, the door burst open and in came Ginny, Nico, and Percy. Ginny and Percy were laughing while Nico came in with a slight pink tint on his cheeks.

"Oh Neeks that was hilarious!" Percy wheezed out. 

Ginny was laughing so hard that tears were pricking the corners of her eyes. "I had no idea traveling with you could be so interesting Nico."

"Shut up." Nico said with a scowl. His face was still slightly red. Him saying that only caused Percy and Ginny to laugh harder. 

"Oh hello Ginny!" Mrs. Weasley said as she walked out of the kitchen carrying a plate of sandwiches. "These must be your friends."

Ginny nodded. Her face was red and her eyes had tears in them still but a large smile was plastered on her face. It made me sick. "Hi, mum. This is Percy and Nico. They're from the US."

Mrs. Weasley gasped. "Oh, the United States. That must be interesting. Why are you kids here then?"

Percy stopped laughing and smiled at the older woman. "Well our principal back in the US told us that we should branch out more and try learning new things about other wizarding worlds so we thought, what better way to learn than actually go to another wizarding school."

Mrs. Weasley nodded. "Well, I hope you enjoy your time at Hogwarts dears."

Percy smiled wider. "Oh trust me, we are. Hogwarts is truly something." 

Nico grunted in to show he agreed. 

"I'm so glad you like it dears." Mrs. Weasley said as she continued to smile. "I just brought out lunch. Please, help yourselves." 

Ginny smiled and grabbed a handful of sandwiches then nodded her head towards the front door. "C'mon. We can eat by the lake."

Nico groaned and Percy's smile only grew wider. 

"Why the lake?" Nico whined at the same time as Percy said "Yay the lake!"

Percy and Nico looked at each other. Percy with a smile and Nico with a frown. Percy smirked. "I know what will cheer you up Neeks." Without warning, Percy hauled Nico over his shoulder and ran out of the building. 


Before Nico could finish his colorful sentence, Ginny shot her mum a smile then walked out the door and closed it behind her. 

"I hate them." Ron said as he grabbed a sandwich. 

"Dido." Hermione agreed. She grabbed a sandwich as well. 

"Dido to your dido Mione." I too grabbed myself a sandwich. What was so great about those Americans?


When Percy, Nico, and I reached my house a smile found it's way on both boys faces. The way we traveled to get here was absolutely brilliant! Who knew you could travel through shadows?!

"Let's go in," I said and started walking towards the front door of my house. "Mum probably already has lunch made." 

Both boys nodded and we began walking. When we were about halfway to the door, I heard a loud shriek. I turned around and saw Nico on Percy's back holding on tightly. 

"What?! What is it?!!" Percy asked as he pulled a pen out of his pocket. 

Nico closed his eyes and pointed at a bunny that was staring at the two boys from under the long grass. 

I couldn't help it. I laughed. And hard too. The great Nico di Angelo, I've heard rules over ghost, was scared of a bunny.  "Oh gods Nico it's just a bunny!"

Nico slowly climbed off of Percy's back and frowned. His cheeks heated up and turned a bright red color that looked adorable on his pale face. 

"You gave me a heart attack over a bunny?" Percy asked with a playful smile. When Nico didn't answer, Percy burst with laughter and the two of us laughed all the way to my house. 

"Oh Neeks that was hilarious!" Percy wheezed out as we entered my cozy home.

I could feel tears prick the corner of my eyes from laughing so hard. "I had no idea traveling with you could be so interesting Nico."

"Shut up." Nico said with a scowl. His face was still slightly red. Him saying that only caused Percy and Ginny to laugh harder.

"Oh hello Ginny!" Mum said as she walked out of the kitchen carrying a plate of sandwiches. "These must be your friends."

I nodded. My eyes were teary but a larger smile was on my face. "Hi, mum. This is Percy and Nico. They're from the US."

Mum gasped. "Oh, the United States. That must be interesting. Why are you kids here then?"

Percy stopped laughing and smiled at her. "Well our principal back in the US told us that we should branch out more and try learning new things about other wizarding worlds so we thought, what better way to learn than actually go to another wizarding school."

Mum nodded. "Well, I hope you enjoy your time at Hogwarts dears."

Percy smiled wider. "Oh trust me, we are. Hogwarts is truly something."

Nico grunted in to show he agreed.

"I'm so glad you like it dears." She said as she continued to smile. "I just brought out lunch. Please, help yourselves."

I smiled and grabbed a handful of sandwiches then nodded my head towards the front door. "C'mon. We can eat by the lake." I knew Percy would enjoy the water and it was quiet there so they could tell me more about their lives. 

Nico groaned and Percy's smile only grew wider.

"Why the lake?" Nico whined at the same time as Percy said "Yay the lake!"

Percy and Nico looked at each other. Percy with a smile and Nico with a frown. Percy smirked. "I know what will cheer you up Neeks." Without warning, Percy hauled Nico over his shoulder and ran out of the building.


Before Nico could finish his colorful sentence, I shot my mum a smile then walked out the door and closed it behind me.


Percy's laugh could be heard from the porch. This was going to be an eventful winter holiday. 


So this is the newest chapter. Hope you like it and all. I know it took a long time to update and I don't have an excuse for why it did take that long sooooo......... Anyway, hope you like it. Please don't forget to vote and comment. 

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