If Anti shot Right

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He shot the real Y/n.

Anti's P.O.V
My vision cleared up and Y/n fell to the ground. R/n ran away.

"NO!!" I yelled, I ran to her and my eyes began to water.

"MAMA!!" The kids yelled.

"A-Anti?" She asked.

"Y/n! You're alive! Don't worry..w-w-we just need to g-get you t-to a hospital." I stuttered trembling.

"A-Anti." She said more sternly. She placed a hand on my cheek.

"P-Promise me y-you'll take c-c-care of t-the kids." She said.

"Don't talk like that! I-I just need to—" she cut me off.

"Please!" She said desperately. I nodded hesitantly.

"A-Anti?" She asked.

"Yes? What is it? I-I'll do anything!" I said.

"I-I love..." she trailed off....her last breath...

..The world started spinning around me..

..Everything happened so fast..

-Years later-

I was at Y/n's grave. I came here so often. I thought about her every single day of every hour. I've even had lack of sleep thinking about her. I've kept her promise and I've been taking good care of the kids. G/n was in 6th grade and B/n was in 7th. They miss her too. Every year on her birthday we would make a card for Y/n and put it in a box and kept it there.

I miss her but I knew that this is what she would've wanted.

'I love you Y/n.'

The sad ending

Thank you for reading my book! And if you had not checked, the last chapter has a happier ending.

Everything will be ok (Antisepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now