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The room was a sort of study. Across the door was a large window surrounded by bookshelves. In front of it, a large desk with a chair behind it. Abstract paintings were hung on the left side of the wall. (Jisung's left)

A door on the right led to another room. The room was a suite-like bedroom. A large king-sized bed with a red and white canopy was visible from the other room. There was also a large window on the right side of the bed, showing a river that was connected to the lake.

Jisung gaped in awe. The place had a traditional edge to it that contradicted to the modern-styled dorms. Jisung wondered, what is this place? Does anyone know about this place? This place looked like it hasn't been entered in years!

Shrugging all questions aside, Jisung started to dust the room. He started from the bookshelves, dusting the books and the racks until he ran into a certain photo displayed on one of the racks.

Jisung: "Huh? What is this?"

Jisung wiped off the dust from the picture. The picture has the study as the background. Sitting on the desk, Was a girl with black hair in a wine red dress and black high heels, probably prepared for a party. Next to her, was Taeyong. He had dark brown hair and was wearing a simple white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and black jeans and white sneakers to finish the style.

Jisung: "This picture is probably old. Who is this girl with Taeyong Hyung though?"

Taeyong had his arm wrapped around the girl's shoulder, discarding any gaps between the two. Both of them were staring into the camera with an intimidating look. Jisung shivered from the intimidating glare. He was about to place the picture back when he heard a voice behind him, causing him to drop the picture frame, smashing it into pieces.

Taeyong: "Jisung? What are you doing here?"

Jisung: "T-Taeyong Hyung! I'm sorry. I ran into this place so I decided to clean this place too."

Jisung: "... Dropping your picture in the process, forgive me."

Jisung kept his head low, not daring to look into his hyung's eyes. He felt Taeyong moving towards him. Taeyong walked around the desk and stopped right in front of the broken picture frame. He bent down to pick it up. He placed the broken picture on the desk and pushed his hoodie back, revealing his crimson hair.

Taeyong: "It's okay, it was an accident."

Jisung slowly lifted his head. His eyes met with Taeyong's. Jisung couldn't help but feel intimidated once more. Taeyong does have a piercing stare. Combine it with his surreal looks and you can guarantee every girl is head over heels for him.

Taeyong squeezed Jisung's shoulder for reassurance. Jisung felt calmer for that. There are times he feels afraid of his hyung, even though he is taller in height. Taeyong just gives that fearful aura at times. But, he is a really kind person. He just doesn't talk much.

Taeyong: "Listen, I don't want you to go into this room again, okay? Don't ask why. Just leave this room. Don't mind the broken frame. And never speak of this again. Understood?"

Jisung quickly nodded and walked away.

Taeyong: "Oh and Jisung, can you please check on the others?"

Jisung: "Okay, Hyung."

Jisung hurried out of the room. He can feel Taeyong's eyes on him as he closed the door. Sighing in relief, he headed off to find the others. He found Mark in the kitchen, dusting the shelves. Mark noticed Jisung out of the corner of his eye. He stopped what he was doing and turned to the younger one.

Mark: "You need anything?"

Jisung: "Taeyong Hyung asked me to check on you guys."

Mark: "Well, no need to check on me. I'm not cooking."

Jisung gave a small nod before asking again.

Jisung: "Do you happen to see Chenle anywhere?"

Mark knitted his eyebrows for a second. He snapped his fingers as he remembered something.

Mark: "Doyoung Hyung found out that he was behind our plan last night, so he's probably making him do heavier chores."

Jisung: "Thanks, Hyung."

Mark gave him a smile before continuing with his work. The "heavier chores" Jisung assumed was cleaning the bathroom, so he looked for Chenle there.

Just as expected, Jisung found Chenle cleaning the downstairs bathroom, his face expressionless.

Chenle: "What do you want?"

Jisung: "How did you -- nevermind. Taeyong Hyung asked me to check on everyone."

Chenle: "Why should you?"

Jisung: "Uh... To make sure everyone's working...?"

Chenle turned to Jisung. His face contorted to a frown. He stared at Jisung in spite
Chenle: "Go away."

Jisung: "W-What?"

Chenle: "I said, GO AWAY!"

Jisung flinched. He didn't want to stay there long. He fled from the place as he felt Chenle's gaze on him.

Something is definitely wrong.

Haunted - NCT OT21Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz