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Taeil: "What's going on here?!"

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Taeil: "What's going on here?!"

A small group of people were huddled around the living room, but they kept quite a distance.

Jisung and Taeil approached the crowd, shoving past the others.

Taeil: "Oh my–"

In the centre of the floor, layed Jaemin. He was being held down by some of the older ones as he thrusts madly.

"He's been like this for the past few minutes," someone muttered.

Jisung: "Hyung, what happened?"

Taeyong looked at them with a dark expression.

Taeyong: "We were just minding our own businesses before he went berserk and attacked Yangyang."

Jisung's jaw dropped. Jaemin has always been a good person, sometimes a little flirty.

Knowing he attacked someone... Almost unbelievable.

On the island at the kitchen, Winwin was tending to Yangyang's wounds.

Winwin: "Does it still hurt?"

Yangyang: "Y-yeah... A little..."

Jisung approached the wounded boy.

Jisung: "Ge, are you okay?"

Yangyang: "Besides the fact that my face is almost damaged then yes, I'm fine."

Jisung helped Winwin to speed up the medication. Yangyang winced at certain parts where it stung.

Yangyang: "Is it okay to say that I'm scared right now?

Yangyang: "Is it okay to say that I'm scared right now?

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Jisung didn't feel like leaving the house.

It was a Sunday and the Dreamies would usually hang out around this time. But things have been off lately.

Jaemin had been placed in an empty room and locked in there. Some were considering on bringing him to a mental hospital but most went against that.

The others have cooped themselves up in their rooms. Jisung didn't feel comfortable with how they state at him so he's been hanging in the China's dorm.

"You're not thinking of going back to your room?" Xiaojun asked.

Jisung shook his head, continuing to focus on his phone.

"Something wrong up there?" Winwin asked.

Jisung: "Nothing Hyung, I just wanted to stay here for now..."

Xiaojun knew something was up.

"Don't lie to me sung." He stared sharply at the youngest.

Jisung didn't want to look at Xiaojun. He got up and bid farewell to the latter.

Xiaojun: "Don't go anywhere just yet."

Jisung froze in his tracks. He turned to Xiaojun.


The boy obediently sat on the bed.

Xiaojun: "I'm going to ask you and I want you to be honest. Why don't you want to go int your room?"

Jisung gulped. He didn't want the problem to get out, even it was someone he was close with.

Jisung: "My hyungs have been acting weird..."

Xiaojun furrowed his eyebrows. "Weird? What do you mean?"

Jisung: "Well, I don't know if you know, but Jaemin Hyung attacked his friend at school, Jeno Hyung has been acting cold, so as Haechan Hyung. I don't know about Mark Hyung. And Chenle-ge is not his regular self.

Xiaojun nodded. He scratched his head and leaned back.

Xiaojun: "Perhaps a curse?"

Jisung looked up.

Jisung: "A curse?"

Xiaojun: "Yeah, maybe you guys did something you shouldn't have and some magic spirit cursed them."

"That makes no sense." Jisung pursed his lips.

Xiaojun shrugged. "I don't know, it was my first hunch." His lips formed a soft smile and pat Jisung's head. "But hey, I'm sure they just had a bad day. Things will go better."

Jisung: "But what if it has been going on for days?"

Xiaojun pursed his lips

"Now I'm very sure something is wrong," he stated.

Xiaojun: "Has anything else weird happened?"

Jisung: "Well, aside from Lucas Hyung and Kun hyung's disappearance, Ten hyung's weird incident, and the attack on Doyoung hyung, I don't thing there's anything else."

"All of that is already bad enough," he huffed.

Xiaojun: "Well all we can do is pray for now."

The sound of footsteps rang through the hall. Mark burst from the door, making them jump. He was panting heavily.

Mark: "G-guys..."

Xiaojun: "What happened?"

Mark: "It's Jaemin."

Jisung's heart dropped at the word. His mind could only think of the worst.

Marks next words echoed in his head.

"He disappeared."

I've been focusing on other stories and have other thing to do oOf

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I've been focusing on other stories and have other thing to do oOf

N e ways I'll be on hiatus for a while...

But don't worry, hopefully I'll be back on Friday the 13th

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