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Once again, Jisung sat waiting in the hospital

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Once again, Jisung sat waiting in the hospital. This time, he was accompanied by Yangyang and Hendery. Samuel was already sent home.

Kun, who was watching over Doyoung, came over to them.

Kun: "What happened?"

Hendery: "I don't know. One minute we were having a dance battle, next thing you know blood started coming out of Lucas' face holes."

"I guess that's one way to put it." Yangyang winced.

The doctor came out of the emergency room and approached them.

Hendery: "How is he, doc?"

Doctor: "We checked his vital organs and nothing seemed to be wrong with them. In fact, there's nothing wrong with him at all. The only problem is that he lost a lot of blood."

Their hearts dropped at the sentence.

Doctor: "Now we don't have any blood with his type in the blood bank at the moment. Do any of you happen to have a blood type O?"

"The three of them are Os." Kun gestured to Yangyang, Hendery, and Jisung.

Doctor: "Great! All we need is to check your health and then we can get some blood fro your friend."



Lucas woke up with a throbbing pain in his head.

Lucas:  "What happened?"

He looked around and found himself I the hospital.

Lucas: "How in the world did I get here?"

"Oh, you're awake."

Lucas jumped when he heard that voice. He turned to see Kun who was sitting at the side of the bed.

Lucas: "Hyung? What's going on? How are we here?"

Kun: "You got into some sort of... Accident."

It finally came back to Lucas. The dance, the coughing...

The blood

Lucas: "H-hyung, something's not right. Something weird is going on."

"I'm afraid you're right. I've felt that something has been off for a while," Kun grimaced.

The doctor came into the room.

Doctor: "You lost a lot of blood earlier. Luckily your friends were in good shape to be donors."

Lucas furrowed his eyebrows.

Lucas: "My friends?"

Jisung, Yangyang, and Hendery came in. Lucas noticed the bandages on their arm.

Hendery: "Hey, how are you feeling?"

Lucas: "Still a bit dizzy. What happened anyway?"

Jisung bit his lip. He distracted himself with the squirrel on the tree outside.

Yangyang: "Something very weird happened. I don't think you remember but blood was coming out of your mouth, your nose, and... Your eyes?"

Kun: "But that's logically impossible. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

Kun: "Would it make sense if Lucas was possessed?"

Everyone fell silent. The atmosphere became tense. Jisung tried his best to hide his nervousness.

Hendery: "Huh... How else would blood come out of his eyes?"

Kun: "Exactly. Lucas do you feel anything weird lately?"

Lucas: "I don't know..."

Lucas bit his lip and scrunched his eyebrows. His eyes flew wide open and he snapped his fingers.

"I remember something!" He exclaimed.


Lucas: "A few nights ago, I had a very weird dream. There was a guy standing in front of me. His face was all bloody and disfigured. He was whispering something."

Kun: "What?"

Lucas paused for a moment.

"Finish it."

The mysteries keep stacking up like a bunch of homework

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The mysteries keep stacking up like a bunch of homework.

Don't forget to vomment ^^

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