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Jisung wandered around the dorms for a while. He's surprised at how clean it became.

'It wouldn't last long, though.' he thought.

Something has been bothering him in the back of his mind for a while. Chenle hasn't been himself lately. He worries it has something to do with the toyshop.

He wanted to tell Taeyong, but he was too afraid to do so.

He walked to the tapestry he encountered earlier today. Seeing it he realized how it blends in so well with the place that no one would suspect a whole study to be behind it.

Jisung suddenly thought, has the room been planned to be there since this place was built?

Thinking that, another thought came up.

When was this place built?

Jisung never really given any thought into it. But seeing recent events, he thinks he should find out.

He headed up to the east wing where the 127 rooms are placed. It's called that because of the date the first group of people moved in

December 7th.

Despite all this, Jisung thinks it's not really a good idea to be trying to find out the story behind the place if it would end up breaking rules, especially with the new students here.

Speaking of them, he hasn't seen those three since they moved in to the dorms. When they headed to their rooms, they kept speaking in chinese. After coming in, all he could hear in their room was laughing and shouting.

"Oh, hey." Jisung turned to the source of the voice to meet with one of the transfer students.

"Hi, Xiao Dejun-ge, right?" The boy extended a hand to greet him, which he shook it back.

"Please, just call me Xiaojun." He smiled.

Jisung: "Okay then, Xiaojun-ge."

Xiaojun turned to the tapestry Jisung was looking at.

Xiaojun: "You're a fan of art?"

Jisung: "Oh, uh no, not really. I've only noticed this tapestry recently."

Xiaojun: "Hmm, this part of the house is more desolated."

Jisung nod at the statement.

Johnny: "Hey, you guys.."

Jisung & Xiaojun: "Hm?"

The two approached the older who was carrying a box.

Johnny: "Can you help me set these up? It's for the welcoming party."

Jisung and Xiaojun helped Johnny carry the box to the kitchen. Inside, were bottles of what seemed like different types of alcoholic drinks.

The youngest widened his eyes. He turned to Johnny, who was smiling with glee.

Johnny: "I've been stashing this for a special occasion. 'bout time we popped some bottles."

Jisung was still bewildered, considering that almost all of the Dreamies are still minors.

Jisung: "But Hyung, some of us are still minors."

Johnny: "Don't worry about that, Mark and Jaehyun are out buying milk and apple juice for you guys."

Jisung: "Ah, okay."

Johnny rubbed his hands, grinning like a madman. Xiaojun just raised his eyebrows at his behaviour

Johnny: "This is gonna be one epic night."


Ten: "To Yangyang, Xiaojun, and Hendery!"

Everyone: "To Yangyang, Xiaojun, and Hendery!"

Everyone cheered and drank all around. Jisung sat with Jeno at the end of the room, watching as everyone chattered and laughed. He realized Chenle kept himself locked up in his room the entire time.

Jeno: "Doyoung Hyung, you're not drinking?"

Doyoung sat with them, grabbing himself a box of apple juice.

Doyoung: "Some of us gotta stay sober. Who knows what hell might break loose once they start."

So I'm back with another chapter this fast. I hope y'all don't mind

Please at least comment cause it motivates me more.

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