B-but How? But Why? (P21)

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(Dippers POV)

My eyes open weakly, to reveal who had saved me. "DIPPER!" I hear a highly familiar, feminine voice cry out. Once my vision was in focus, ahead of me I see him holding Mabel by the neck of her shirt. I had once again be teared apart. And god the pain was terrible this time but... there were plasters all over my arms and legs. The same multi-coloured, bunny patterned platers Mabel uses. And not only that, but i also see her grappling hook just a few inches from me. That must've been what she saved me with, but the bigger question, how had she gotten her from, I assume, being trapped?

(Bills POV)

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'VE GOTTEN INTO, SHOOTING STAR?" I yell at the brat. I was holding her by the neck now. I tried to keep my temper down so I wouldn't switch form in front of Pinetree again. I don't want to scare him any more than I have, although a part of me did. But he already hates me enough. I- He already hates me enough. It's not like I can make things any worse. Well, i suppose now they've sabotaged this game, I should sabotage theirs.

(Dippers POV)

I tried to reach out for the grappling hook when it gets kicked out of my reach, kicked by the well-polished, smart attired, dapper black boots that Bill wears. I look up to face him, who had now dropped Mabel and approached me. "Pinetree, get up, and we're out of here." He says, grabbing a hold of my wrist. I didn't have much strength and the pain from the cuts the monsters have left got worse as Bill held them. I scrunched up my face in pain before squealing, "NO! NEVER!" His sadistic smirk dropped into scowl, "Did I say it was optional?" He says, pulling me up to my feet then putting me onto his back. I held a hand out to Mabel, who was still on the ground. "MABEL!" "DIPPER!" We each cried out each others names in harmony, holding a hand out as if one of us could just grab the others.

The ground started to shake, then lava slowly started to rise upwards, slowly reaching the platform Mabel was on. "Well thats our exit. So long Shooting Star~" Bill grinned, then clicked his fingers. And boom. We were out of there, but Mabel... she was still in there.

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