Chapter 1

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The New York institute was never so alarmed like right now. Everyone were running and searching for Clary Fairchild, whose signal was missing. "Have you tried to track her by her clothes?" Asked Luke around because he was worried too "when Alec finds out that Clary is missing, he will lose his mind", "what's happening?" Asked Lydia Branwell who came from a portal, Luke came to her "you can't say Alec", "Alec is my future husband, of course I tell him, what's wrong?", Luke sighed "Clary is missing", "WHAT?", "We lost her signal", "How? When? Why?", they went to the computers, "she was on a mission with Simon and then everything went wrong, there were too many demons", "Great, Alec will kill everyone if even one hair will be harmed from Clary", "I know" sighed Luke, Lydia pointed to the map "start searching from the east area, Isabelle should look on the west, I will report Alec", "Lydia!", "We are both the head of the institute, we both should get the information" she said and went to Alecs office. Luke sighed and called Maia to prepare the pack to search for Clary before Alec loses his mind. It will be a long night.

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