Chapter 8

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After the meeting Meliorn wanted to talk with Alec for a bit and then when he left. Alec watched Magnus leave and said "Magnus", Magnus stopped "Yes, Alexander?", the way Magnus said it, made Alec a little bit..turned up. "I need to know if you really refuse to work with me", Magnus turned to Alec and pouted "I don't think you have enough payment", "You're the high warlock of Brooklyn, it's your duty", "I don't own anything to anyone", "I understand and I see that you gave a reason for it but..if you tell the price, maybe we can handle it", Magnus laughed "no Lightwood, we can't", "Just name it", Magnus came near and Alec could smell his strong cologne with a mix of a burned sugar, Alec held his breathe. "Have you ever felt like you want something impossible but you don't know what?", Alec frowned "Yes, I did", "If you can offer me something interesting, call me" he winked and then left while wiggling his butt. Alec sighed. In his office he signed the documents and didn't noticed how he fell asleep on the desk. "Alec..hey" Alec opened his eyes and saw Izzy, she smiled at him carefully "you fell asleep, maybe you want to go to your room?", "no", "Something to eat", "no". Since Jace died, their relationship went horrible. Alec distanced himself from everyone who could get hurt because if him. He thought that if he stay away from his sister, she will love him less sometime, no matter how much it's broke his heart but his little sister never gave up on him. That broke Alec's heart even more. When she left, ten minutes later she came back. With a cup of tea. She silently left it on his desk and went back to her room. Alec felt pain in his chest and his parabatai rune..or what left of it. He wanted to be a good brother and he only could do it when he stayed away from his loved one.

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