Chapter 5

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Alec slept terrible, he always looked at his phone if someone texted him. Clary wandered trough the institute and Alec had the paranoia that Sebastian will show up and take her with him. Clary was the last what he had from Jace. Before he died from the poison, he grabbed Alec selve and whispered "take care of my girl" then he smiled while the blood ran out his mouth and then Alec screamed from the pain of his parabatai rune. Everything happened too fast. The next day he was grumpy because he had headache and went to the Downworlders meeting, only to find one chair empty. Raphael shrugged "I've got a message from Magnus Bane" then he showed him his middle finger "then he said that he had better things to do than help a Lightwood and grabbed his drink". Alec clenched his jaw "the clave said that Magnus should be the warlock representative, I need him here" he growled. Raphael put his hands in the air "I just say what he said to me", "I guess I should send the silent brothers, then I want to know if he showed them his middle finger too", Luke looked up "hey hey", "I can't stand people who disrespect my duty and my authority, If he don't want to come then the silent brothers will brought him here", Raphael tried to calm Alec down "okay okay, I will talk to him, alright? If this doesn't work then you can send the silent brothers but right now..give me a chance okay", Alec sat down "one chance". The meeting went well, Luke reported about the dead mundanes and Alec had a terrible concentration because of his loss of sleep.

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