Chapter 3

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Alec had a good relationship with the Downworlders. Luke was one of his best friends, the seelie queen was always good to Alec and Raphael was constantly there when something happened. Dot was a warlock who was there for business but she wasn't the high warlock of brooklyn. It was Magnus Bane. Somehow he never showed at the meeting, he would rather be at his club Pandemonium, watch stripers dance than be included in the business. Alec rarely saw him but was always fascinated by his boldness always wear his demon mark. He never hid his cat eyes and gave always a sassy smirk to people who starred at him for too long. He enjoyed the attention and how the shadowhunters feared him. Alec liked Dot too. She was kind and always friendly, she even helped Alec trough his time when Jace died. But today Alec heard horrible news, Dot was injured. "How could this happen?" Snapped Alec angrily at his office "she never goes on a serious mission", Meliorn shrugged "I can tell you how, your shadowhunters can't protect us anymore, you need to train more people", Alec shaked his head "my people are well trained", "yes" nodded Meliorn but there are not enough "Sebastian Morgenstern get more powerful each day, he take more demons from other dimensions, and someday he will come after his sister", Alecs throat was sore "I won't let that happen..never", "I just say my opinion" Meliorn leaned back "you wanted me to come, here I am, the rest is up on you". Someone knocked, when Alec saw who it was, he sighed, Meliorn stood up, shaked Alecs hand and then left. The young man smiled shyly but Alec was serious "how can I help you?", "I just wanted to know how you are?", "fine, I'm busy actually", "oh" the boy was disappointed and Alec rolled his eyes. That's why he didn't wanted to have sex with someone from the institute, they were clingy and sentimental. For Alec was his sex life important but he refused to go to the next step. He wanted to let his desires out and then go on with his life. It was not much to ask, but sometimes his partners wanted more and even confessed their love for Alec. It was annoying.

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