Chapter Eleven

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Eventually, Midoriya calmed down...


Not that he didn't have reason to be depressed if you think about it. I know I have.

Once Midoriya had finished what I have kindly dubbed, his "hissyfit", Todoroki proceeded to make lunch. He didn't cook nearly as much food as he had that morning in order to save food, but he still had made plenty of food to fill up on.

Midoriya, not wanting to vomit once more, barely ate anything. He was worried that Todoroki might think that he didn't like it, but if the hero had noticed anything about Midoriya's bad manners, he didn't say anything about it.

They ate in silence. Their silverware clanking against their plates bowls as they slurped their soup and ate their sandwiches. Or, Midoriya, I should say, sipped his soup and nibbled at his sandwich.

Minutes passed.

The silence was suffocating.

"So..." Midoriya began awkwardly, no idea what he was about to say. "... Nice weather we're having."

The greenette swore that he would have slapped himself if that would not have made their conversation more awkward.

"Hm." Todoroki grunted in acknowledgment, shoveling a spoonful of soup into his mouth.

"Um... So how have you been, recently?" He tried again.

Todoroki shrugged.

The young villain sighed. It was clear that Todoroki was in no mood to converse.

Midoriya stacked his dishes expertly, balancing them on one hand before standing.

"Thank you for yet another wonderful meal, Todoroki. I'm afraid there is something I have to go check on, but I'll be back soon. But first, let me clean the dishes."

The other teen stood and frowned. "I can clean the dishes. This is my house and you are my guest. You go and take care of your business."

Before Todoroki could make Midoriya give away his dishes, Midoriya dodged his now outstretched hand, grabbing the other boy's empty dishes and dashing into the kitchen.

Todoroki sighed. Apparently, Midoriya had gained a slight stubborn streak.

You could just barely see the hint of a smile dancing on the face of the somber boy.


The business Midoriya had to take care of was something he had been doing for months. Occaisionally, Midoriya had been allowed to go out and run errands. Of course, this was only after he had proven that he could be trusted not to run away. Whenever he was allowed access to the outside world and he was not on a mission, the young teen would go out in search of his apartment.

The main reason Midoriya had agreed to become a villain in the first place was to protect his mother.

He remembered how when he was younger, his mother had given up all of her dreams just to raise a child on her own after Midoriya's father had walked out on them.

She had spent all of her time working, and when she wasn't working, she devoted all of her time to her dear son. She played with him, cleaned up after him, cooked for him, and did everything every great parent would do for their child. But more importantly, Inko believed in her son. She believed in him, and she loved him. She believed that he would do extraordinary things one day. She believed that he would follow his own path which would lead him to becoming the greatest hero Japan had ever seen. And that was the greatest gift she could have given him. Unfortunately, it was all of that belief and love for her child that had endangered her life. Midoriya had figured, if she gave up everything for him, then he would give up everything for her. Including, his dreams of becoming the number one hero.

However, even when Midoriya was under lock and key, spending countless hours being beaten and brainwashed into submission, being trained in the ways of a villain, he had never once stopped worrying about her well-being.

This was why he would constantly go to their apartment, checking up on her, and making sure she was okay.

However, before that could happen, he needed a disguise.

Midoriya never liked stealing, no matter how many times he was forced to do it. This was why he also tried his hardest to earn his own money. Most of it was from small jobs like mowing people's lawns or painting their houses. He always managed to find someone who needed help when he was allowed out of the base, and he always found himself offering to help.

Of course, the people he "worked" for, were unknowledgable of what he had been doing.

Midoriya found that strangely enough, he actually enjoyed doing these small tasks. It was like in some small way he was doing something heroic, just as he had always dreamed of doing when he was small. It also felt like in some small way, he was giving back to the community that he was constantly stealing from. He stole their money, he stole the idea of their safety, and he stole many people's happiness through his actions.

Although he knew these actions were not technically his own, he always felt guilty. Because of him, these people no longer felt safe on the streets. If all he could do was make their grass shorter in a way of apology, then by God, he would make that grass the shortest and best grass in the neighborhood.

Midoriya shook his thoughts from his head. Now was not the time to be distracted. He had a mission.

Midoriya headed towards the nearest clothing store, ready to blow his eager earnings on clothing that looked strange on him and made him look like a different person.

There, he proceeded to buy a black mask, a gray-white hoodie, and a baggy pair of jeans. He couldn't risk his mother finding out who he was if she saw him. Also, knowing what he did about whoever kidnapped him, they were probably monitering the house, especially after his disappearance.

The green haired teen quickly changed into his extremely cheap outfit, pulling the hood over his head so nobody could see his hair, before returning to the outside world.

He was going to find his mom.

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